Thanking Nature for Medicine 大自然的医药宝库
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年2月23日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月26日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:312
Surprising remedies can make all the difference 出人意表的药物可望产生重大影响
If someone saves your life, you want to express your gratitude however you can – a gesture, a “thank you” or somehow returning the favor. Yet when you owe your life to a plant found thousands of miles away, the task becomes much harder.
As a nurse, I’ve known for years that many life-saving medicines come from plants and animals found around the world. But I never thought that one day I would have to rely on the bark of a rare Asian tree to survive.
Nine years ago, I was diagnosed with appendiceal cancer and told that had only months to live. The mother of two young children at the time, I could not accept the prognosis. Luckily, I found a doctor who was willing to help me fight. I had major abdominal surgery and months of chemotherapy.
Today I am cancer free, in large part because of irinotecan. A drug that helps block the growth of cancer cells, irinotecan is derived from a tree with banana-shaped pods found only in China and Tibet and aptly called the “Chinese Happy Tree.” Yet, this tree and many other potential sources of future treatments are endangered and could soon be gone forever.
Enhancing the quality of life 改善生活质量
I have lived many years past my life expectancy. And countless others are alive and healthy today because of other medicines – from those that help lower cholesterol to those used to fight malaria – originally derived from natural sources.
Across the globe, however, many of our remaining wild areas that shelter plants and animals that could be the future source of numerous other new drugs are quickly disappearing. The razing of a forest in what seems like a remote corner of the world could have life-or-death consequences for people.
More Information
gesture [ˋdʒɛstʃɚ] n. 用动作的示意
appendiceal [əpendɪˋsil] adj. 阑尾的
abdominal [æbˋdɑmən!] adj. 腹部的
pod [pɑd] n. 荚;豆荚
Where natural remedies come from 自然药物的来源
Plants can’t move to escape harm, so they use a complex chemical arsenal to protect themselves from insects, diseases and other threats. And many of these compounds have the potential to protect not only plants, but us as well. Indeed, half of all of the new drugs developed in the last 25 years, and 70 percent of the drugs currently used to treat cancer, have been derived from nature. Medicines have also been obtained from many species, some on the verge of extinction.
In 40 years, however, the habitats of these plants and animals may be gone. We lost 32 million acres of forests each year. Scientists estimate that two-thirds of all species could become severely endangered by the end of this century. Yet researchers have only had the opportunity to test 1 percent of rainforest plants for organic compounds that could benefit human health. If we don’t act soon, natural sources that could cure cancer, arthritis, HIV, diabetes, heart disease and innumerable other illnesses, may be lost to us forever.
Strengthening conservation efforts 加强保育努力
Most of the plant’s species live in the world’s poorest nations and that’s why I traveled, along with other cancer survivors from around the nation, to Washington last month to support a new effort in Congress to strengthen our nation’s international conservation efforts. Introduced earlier this spring, the Global Conservation Act would establish a national strategy that will help our government assist in preserving the natural areas of developing countries that are too poor to do so on their own.
I’m grateful for the Chinese Happy Tree, which helped save my life and allowed me to watch my two daughters grow up. Speaking out for nature and all the medical treatments that come from it is just my way of saying “thank you.”
-by Carolyn Langlie-Lesnik
Vocabulary Focus
prognosis [prɑgˋnosɪs] n. 预后﹐ 预断〔医生对于病情如何发展的预测〕a doctor’s judgment of the likely or expected development of a disease or of the chances of getting better
chemotherapy [͵kɛmoˋθɛrəpɪ] n.〔治疗癌症的〕化学疗法 the treatment of diseases using chemicals
aptly [ˋæptlɪ] adv. 命名/描述/称呼等很恰当 suitable or right for a particular situation
raze [rez] v. 拆毁,夷平 to completely destroy a city, building, etc.
arsenal [ˋɑrsnəl] n. 储藏的武器 a collection of weapons
on the verge [vɝdʒ] of (idiom) 濒临 very close to experiencing something
arthritis [ɑrˋθraɪtɪs] n. 关节炎 a serious condition in which a person’s joints (the places where two bones are connected) become painful, swollen and stiff
Extended Version: Protecting Nature's Pharmacy - Survivors Speak Out For The Global Conservation Act
Actor Don Cheadle Speaking in Support of the Global Conservation Act