Taipei Goes Green 绿意盎然的台北
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年10月11日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年8月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:392
The Taipei International Flora Expo offers more than beautiful flowers 2010台北花博会除了繁花锦簇之外,还有更多特色可欣赏
Winter holds no sway over sub-tropical Taipei as colorful blossoms and stunning greenery transform an urban jungle into a utopia. The Taipei International Flora Expo will bloom for six months, from next month through April 2011, with 6 million visitors expected to stop and smell the roses.
Ever since Taipei was designated host by the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) in 2006, the Taiwan Floriculture Development Association (TFDA) has been busy tweaking plans, preparing parks and designing facilities for this year’s Expo. Based in Switzerland, the AIPH represents various horticultural organizations around the world. One of its aims is to stimulate the international flower, plant and landscaping services market.
Asia is one of the key horticulture regions of the world (the other being Europe). This fact is underscored by the many flora expos recently held in various Asian cities including Kunming, Chiang Mai and Shenyang. Xi’an and Qingdao are tilling the soil right now for their own exhibitions in 2011 and 2014, respectively.
Important concepts 重要理念
The Taipei Flora Expo will be more than a bouquet of attractive plants and flowers. Seeded in the various displays are three main concepts that will underpin the Expo. The first will be to emphasize the importance of gardening, science and environment protection technology. The second will be to encourage consumers to reduce, reuse and recycle. The third will be an attempt to merge culture and art into an eco-friendly lifestyle.
Traditionally, sporadic patches of urban greenery have sprouted up here and there in cities. But the Expo is encouraging Taipei to become a unique example of what is possible in a modern, eco-friendly city.
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hold sway 占统治地位; 有支配力量 to have a controlling influence; dominate
blossom [ˋblɑsəm] n.(尤指果树的)花
greenery [ˋgrinərɪ] n. 绿色植物;绿叶
bloom [blum] n. 开花;(花朵)绽放
horticultural [͵hɔrtɪˋkʌltʃərəl] adj. 园艺(学)的 relating to the study or activity of growing garden plants
floriculture [ˋflorɪ͵kʌltʃɚ] n. 花卉栽培(业);花卉园艺学
underscore [ʌndɚˋskor] v. 强调
bouquet [buˋke] n. 花束, 一束花
seed [sid] v. 编排(种子选手); 在……播种 to distribute (players or teams) in this manner
gardening [ˋgɑrdnɪŋ] n. 园艺
sporadic [spəˋrædɪk] adj. 分散的
patch [pætʃ] n. 小块土地
sprout [spraʊt] up 发芽 to grow
here and there 到处, 各处,零落散布地
A “garden city” 「花园城市」
That goal of transforming Taipei into a “garden city” is evidenced by the preparations that have been made for the Expo. While exhibition facilities are located in four special areas, the entire city has been preening, pruning and planting. Taipei Mayor Hao Long-bin stated that the theme, “Rivers, Flowers, New Horizons,” aims to inspire visitors to embrace new ideas and implement green practices for themselves. Individual investment in green, eco-friendly practices subsequently leads to greener communities, which then combine to create greener cities. Personal stewardship thus becomes the first step in transforming busy cities into attractive urban landscapes.
A feast for the senses 感官飨宴
The Taipei Metro Rail system appropriately provides convenient, eco-friendly transportation to the main expo sites. The YuanShan Park Area offers visitors a stunning sense of unity between the stylish expo pavilions and the flora they contain, all the while exemplifying the principles of the Expo. For example, YuanShan’s Pavilion of New Fashion integrates recycled plastic bottles to create a glittering “crystal wall.” It also utilizes solar and wind power to produce electricity that will later be used for expo shows and performances. The EXPO Dome is “Reuse” in action – a prime example of conserving finances and resources. Previously a soccer stadium, the Dome will be converted into a venue for flora design competitions.
Xinsheng Park Area integrates technology with greenery in three distinct pavilions; Future, Life and Dreams. These three facilities provide interactive audiovisual displays, educating visitors on ecology, conservation, health and even the growth cycles of plants and butterflies.
The 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition is not only a feast for the senses, but also a forum to inspire ideas and motivate all of us to make our homes and communities greener.
−by Bill Quinn
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prune [prun] v. 修剪,修整 to cut off branches from a tree, bush or plant, especially so that it will grow better in the future
stewardship [ˋstjuwɚd͵ʃɪp] n.〔某活动或组织的〕管理方式 the acre and management of a place
pavilion [pəˋvɪljən] n.(博览会的)展示馆
exemplify [ɪgˋzɛmplə͵faɪ] v. 例示;作为……的例子
glittering [`glɪtərɪŋ] adj. 闪光的
Vocabulary Focus
utopia [juˋtopɪə] n. 乌托邦(Sir Thomas More 所著书名的简称,指理想中的最美好社会)a perfect society in which everyone is happy
stop and smell the roses 享受生活;闻闻花香 to make time to pay attention to and appreciate what is going on at the moment
tweak [twik] v. 对〔机器﹑汽车或系统〕作小小的改进 to change something slightly, especially in order to make it more correct, effective or suitable
till the soil 耕种土地; 整地 to prepare and use land for growing plants
underpin [͵ʌndɚˋpɪn] v. 巩固﹐支持〔想法﹑信念等〕to give support, strength or a basic structure to something
preen [prin] v. 精心打扮(自己)to clean and arrange something to make it tidy and attractive
subsequently [ˋsʌbsɪ͵kwɛntlɪ] adv.【正式】后来﹐随后﹐接着 happening in a way that closely follows something else
prime [praɪm] adj. 最好的,第一流的; 主要的;首位的 main or most important
Taipei Flora Expo 2010(Taiwan, OCAC, macroview)
Taipei Int'l Flora Expo 台北国际花卉展 part 5 - Xinsheng Park 新生公园( Taiwan )