What If COLLEGE Isn’t For Everyone? 每个人都适合念大学吗?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年9月17日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年7月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:326
Debating the pros and cons of a college education 有关大学教育优缺点的争辩
Debbie Crave once assumed that all of her children would go to college. Then she had kids. Son Patrick is a junior at Debbie’s alma mater, and plans to one day help manage the family’s 1,700-acre, 1,000-cow dairy farm.
But Brian, 17, would rather sit atop a tractor than behind a desk. “He’s been afraid we might push him” to go to college, his mother said. But her eyes have been opened: “Kids learn differently, and some just aren’t college material.”
A compelling case 深具说服力的理由
Long before President Barack Obama vowed last year that America will “have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world” by 2020, the premium placed on going to college was firmly embedded in the American psyche.
The case iscompelling: with good jobs increasingly requiring more education, college is widely seen as the ticket to personal economic security and to global competitiveness. And the message has gotten through: The percentage of students who went on to college or trade school within a year of high school climbed from 47 percent in 1973 to 67 percent in 2007.
The other half 被遗忘的半数
And yet, there’s an undercurrent of concern about a group of students – sometimes called “the forgotten half,” a phrase coined 22 years ago by social scientists studying at-risk young people – who, for whatever reason, do not think college is for them. It’s expressed by soul-searching parents such as Crave, whose son doesn’t thrive in the classroom. It’s also expressed increasingly by educators, economists and policy analysts, who question whether it’s realistic and responsible to push students into college even if the odds of academic success seem low.
They’re swimming against a powerful tide. A small but growing number of states now require all high-schoolers to take a college entrance exam.
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the pros and cons 赞成和反对的理由 the various arguments in favour of and against a motion, course of action, etc
junior [ˋdʒunjɚ] n.【美】(四年制大学或中学中)三年级(生)
alma mater 母校 the school, college or university where you studied
tractor [ˋtræktɚ] n. 牵引机;拖拉机
compelling [kəmˋpɛlɪŋ] adj. 令人信服的
premium [ˋprimɪəm] n. 高度重视 an unusual or high value
get through (讲话等)(被)理解, (被)接受 to reach the awareness and understanding
soul-searching [ˋsolˋsɝtʃɪŋ] n. 真挚的自己反省,深思
thrive [θraɪv] v. (尤指在别人觉得困难的时候)以…为乐,可以出色应对
Some concerns about the focus on a college education are being acknowledged. What’s still getting lost, some argue, is that too many students are going to college not because they want to, but because they think they have to.
“We’re force-feeding them” the idea that “you must go to college or you’ll be a second-class citizen,” said Marty Nemko, a California career counselor.
Economic benefits and more 财务效益及其他优点
The debate over college is not new, but today’s economic climate has raised the stakes. Since 2000, the percentage of Americans who believe college is essential to success in today’s world has gone from 31 percent to 55 percent.
A four-year degree is no guarantee of wealth, of course. About 25 percent of those with bachelor’s degrees earn less than those with two-year degrees, studies by Georgetown University have found. But research consistently has shown that, on average, those at the top of higher education’s pecking order reap the most benefits, both economically and beyond.
Falling through the cracks 被忽视的一群
Some argue that college dropout rates alone suggest many students are wasting their time – and money.
Federal data show that fewer than 60 percent of new students graduate from four-year colleges in six years, and just one in three community college students earn a degree. More than 350,000 students who borrowed for college in 1995 had no degree six years later, according to a 2005 study for the National center for Public Policy and Higher Education.
“It’s fine for most kids to go to college, of course, [but] it is not obvious to me that that is the best option for the majority,” said Mike Gould, founder of New Futures, a Washington, D.C.-based organization that provides scholarships for low-income students. “Some education may be good thing or it may just be a lot of debt.”
−by Mary Beth Marklein
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pecking order【口】啄序(禽类中占优势的可以啄地位低的); 长幼尊卑制度, 权势等级 the order of importance of the people in a group or an organization
reap [rip] v. 获得,得到
dropout [`drɑpˏaʋt] n. 中途辍学的学生
Vocabulary Focus
psyche [ˋsaɪkɪ] n. 【术语或正式】心灵; 灵魂﹐精神 the deepest thoughts, feelings or beliefs of a person or group
undercurrent [ˋʌndɚ͵kɝənt] n. 潜伏的情绪〔尤指愤怒﹑不满〕an emotion, belief, or characteristic of a situation that is hidden and usually negative or dangerous but that has some effect
swim against a tide 抗拒潮流 to do the opposite of what most other people are doing
force-feed [ˋforsˋfid] v. 强使..接受 to force someone to learn something or to take in information
raise the stakes 提高了… 的风险 to make a situation more urgent or more difficult to ignore
fall through the cracks 被忽视;未加注意 to get lost or be forgotten, especially within a system