Workplace Personalities 哪种职场性格最能代表你?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年10月29日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年8月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:319
Knowing who you are can help your career progress 了解自我有助于职场进展
Night and day: Home, work personalities sometimes differ 黑夜与白昼之别:家庭性格与职场性格有时可能大相径庭
At work, Roberta Young uses humor in communicating with colleagues at a Florida accounting firm.
“Accountants are supposed to be dour and serious ….. I try to make accounting not painful,” says Young, the firm’s managing partner.
But when Young gets home, she likes quiet. She prefers to sit by the pool with her two dogs instead of chatting. Her two children, now in their 20s, sometimes wonder what’s up.
“I kind of go into my shell. I just need to unwind,” she says.
Home vs. work personalities 家庭性格对照职场性格
Some people appear to have a split personality: At work they may act one way and at home another.
It’s not that their personality changes, but different aspects may come out at work. At work, they also may act differently to adapt to the workplace culture. At home, they may need down time.
Someone who is an introvert may learn to be more assertive in the workplace than in his or her personal life. An extrovert may tone down gadfly tendencies to meet expectations at the office.
Some people’s jobs bring out a different part of their personality, says Dr. E. Carol Webster, a clinical psychologist. Dick Clark, a management consultant, has met celebrity speakers who appear dynamic on stage, for example, but are quiet and reflective in person.
Another factor may be a changing workplace culture. “Some people thrive on change. They get bored if things are not constantly changing. Some prefer no change at all,” he says.
How do you deal with success? 如何面对成功?
People need an even greater understanding of themselves when they move into high-profile positions in an organization. How well they manage their success is often reflective of their work style or personality, says Webster.
Some workers react badly to what she calls the “fishbowl” effect. “People have trouble accepting the fact they can’t do anything they want,” Webster says.
−by Marcia Heroux Pounds
More Information
unwind [ʌnˋwaɪnd] v.(使)心情轻松
appear [əˋpɪr] v. 似乎,看来好像[L][W][+to-v][+(that)]
down time 放松休息的时间; 停工期间 time when one relaxes and does not do very much
introvert [ˋɪntrə͵vɝt] n. 内向的人 someone who is shy, quiet and unable to make friends easily
extrovert [ˋɛkstrovɝt] n. 个性外向的人 an energetic, happy person who enjoys being with other people
tone down something 缓和; 减轻.. to make something less forceful or offensive
gadfly [ˋgæd͵flaɪ] n. 有意困扰他人者 someone who is considered persistently annoying
in person 本人
high-profile 倍受瞩目的
Don’t shy away from speaking 勇于开口
Do you dread going to a convention and meeting new people? Do you mum in meeting, overpowered by others? Do you gape at the self-promoters in the office who seem to get ahead beyond their worth? If so, you’re probably an introvert, genetically wired to be less “out there” than extroverts.
Jennifer Kahnweiler advises introverts in a new book, The introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength. Sometimes the advice included not being quiet.
Speak up 发表高见
Introverts, she says, must force themselves to speak up in meetings, generally within the first five minutes, in order to be viewed as a contributor.
Don’t be afraid to compete with the “talkers.” Hold up your hand, if necessary, and say, “I’d like to say something.”
At conventions or other networking events, set a goal to collect a certain number of business cards, forcing interaction with new people.
Day to day, Kahneriler recommends, smile. That goes a long way toward being recognized by co-workers as someone worth connecting to. Then be ready with small-talk conversation. Personal connections are vital.
In dealing with your bosses, have the courage to speak up for yourself. “Ask for what you need and want,” Kahneriler says. Others are doing it. If you don’t, you’ll be left behind.
One asset of many introverts is that they think before they speak. You can use that to your advantage to become known for your wise summations or peacemaking. A final word: None of this happens without practice.
−by Diane Stafford
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mum [mʌm] v. 闭口,不讲话
overpower [͵ovɚˋpaʊɚ] v.〔气味﹑任务﹑情感等〕使…无法忍受; 压倒; 压服
wire [waɪr] v. 在…里装电线; 给…布线 to determine or put into effect by physiological or neurological mechanisms
out there (人、行为等)古怪的,反常的 Slang unconventional or eccentric
speak up 不顾忌地道出; 大声说 to state one's beliefs, objections, etc., bravely and firmly
go a long way toward 大有帮助 to be very helpful in achieving something
small-talk 闲聊的 casual or trivial conversation.
peacemaking [ˋpismekɪŋ] n. 调停;调解
Vocabulary Focus
dour [dʊr] adj. 不爱讲话的, 沉沉的, 严厉的 unfriendly, unhappy and very serious
assertive [əˋsɝtɪv] adj. 武断的,独断的 describes someone who behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or believe
reflective [rɪˋflɛktɪv] adj. 思考的,沉思的; 反映的[(+of)] thinking carefully and quietly
gape [gep] v.(由于惊奇等而)张口结舌,目瞪口呆 to look in great surprise at someone, especially with an open mouth
vital [ˋvaɪt!] adj. 极其重要的,必不可少的 necessary for the success or continued existence of something; extremely important
summation [sʌmˋeʃən] n.【律】(裁判前)法庭辩论的总结 a short clear description that gives the main facts or ideas about something
The Introverted Leader by Jennifer Kahnweiler
Jennifer Kahnweiler, Ph.D., CSP, Speaker, Coach and Author of The Introverted Leader