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To Infinity and Beyond! – The Success of Pixar 皮克斯—动画魔法师








“To infinity and beyond!” Buzz Lightyear’s line from the hugely successful Toy Story (1995) was a cute joke. At the time, few would have guessed that Pixar, the computer graphics (CG) studio which produced Toy Story, was headed in that direction. Since then, Pixar has done for CG animation what Disney did for hand-drawn animation. ___1___ What’s the secret of Pixar’s remarkable success?




Pixar films push the limits of technology, creating amazingly realistic cartoons. From Sulley’s blue fur in Monsters, Inc. (2001) to sunlight reflecting underwater in Finding Nemo (2003), Pixar continually astounds audiences. Surprisingly, however, technological wizardry isn’t Pixar’s goal. ___2___




Pixar isn’t afraid to include jokes that kids might not understand, such as a superhero crushed by the boredom of office life in The Incredibles. As Edwin Catmull, Pixar’s founder, notes, “Children live in an adult world … part of what makes life interesting for them is that they’re trying to figure things out.” ___3___




Pixar began as a small part of George Lucas’s empire. Lucas sold the company to Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computers, in 1986. ___4___ Pixar would make the cartoons, and Disney would distribute them under the Disney name.




But the Disney-Pixar relationship turned sour in 2004. ___5___ Time will tell if Pixar is headed beyond infinity, but its changes are looking good.




By Iain Ferguson 


(A) On the contrary, telling great stories is.
(B) In the nineties, Pixar signed a ten-year deal with Disney.
(C) With the next Pixar cartoon, Cars, scheduled for 2006, their relationship will formally end.
(D) Along the way, the company has collected 17 Academy Awards and made US$2.5 billion.
(E) Plus, it’s adults who buy the movie tickets after all.



animation [͵ænəˋmeʃən] n. 卡通片;卡通片绘制

remarkable [rɪˋmɑrkəb!] adj. 值得注意的;非凡的

astound [əˋstaʊnd] v. 使震惊;使大惊

boredom [ˋbordəm] n. 无聊;厌倦

distribute [dɪˋstrɪbjʊt] v. 分发;分配


More Information

infinity [ɪnˋfɪnətɪ] n. 无限,无穷

line [laɪn] n. 台词

push the limits of 挑战极限; 把.....推向极限

wizardry [ˋwɪzɚdrɪ] n. 魔法

turn sour 变质, 变调



Monsters Inc. Trailer


Toy Story - Official Trailer  [1995]


The Incredibles (2004) Trailer








当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Basic English (中英文講解) Industry (企业) To Infinity and Beyond! – The Success of Pixar 皮克斯—动画魔法师