A Clear Picture of Contact Lenses 「看清」隐形眼镜
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年12月26日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2014年7月25日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:3254
Many people around the world suffer from myopia, more commonly known as nearsightedness, and Taiwan may have the world’s highest rate of affliction. As a result, you might expect most people in Taiwan to wear glasses, but this isn’t the case. Lots of people rely instead on a convenient alternative, contact lenses.
The origin of contact lenses can be attributed to a man of many great inventions – Leonardo Da Vinci. In 1508, he wrote about aiding vision by submerging the eye in water, which would later serve as one of the basic principles behind the world’s first contact lenses. In the centuries that followed, liquid-filled “eyecups” gave way to glass contact lenses, and finally to the first modern lenses, which debuted in 1949.
Today, there are many different kinds of contact lenses, which serve a variety of functions. Corrective lenses correct the imbalance between the refractive power of the eye and the length of the eye, allowing for optimal focusing of light onto the retina. There are also cosmetic contact lenses, which merely change the appearance of the eye.
Aside from daily disposable contact lenses, most kinds of lenses require regular rinses with cleansing and saline solutions. This gets rid of protein buildup and the various microorganisms. So, if you are one of the millions of people around the world who relies on contact lenses for better vision, remember to take good care of them so they can take good care of your eyes.
-by Joe Henley
nearsightedness [ˋnɪrˋsaɪtɪdnɪs] n. 近视
alternative [ɔlˋtɝnətɪv] n. 可供选择的事物
attribute to something 把...归因于; 认为是...的 the result of something
submerge [səbˋmɝdʒ] v. 把……浸入水中
give way to something 为…所代替 to be replaced by something
imbalance [ɪmˋbæləns] n. 不平衡; 失调
cosmetic [kɑzˋmɛtɪk] adj. 化妆用的
merely [ˋmɪrlɪ] adv. 仅仅
disposable [dɪˋspozəb!] adj. 用完即丢弃的,一次性使用的
get rid of 摆脱 remove
More Information
contact lens [lɛnz] 隐形眼镜
myopia [maɪˋopɪə] n.【医】近视
affliction [əˋflɪkʃən] n. 苦恼,折磨 a condition of great distress, pain, or suffering
the case 事实,实情 what actually exists or happens
rely on 依靠 be dependent on, as for support or maintenance
aid [ed] v. 帮助
debut [dɪˋbju] n. 首次露面
corrective [kəˋrɛktɪv] lenses 矫正用镜片
refractive [rɪˋfræktɪv] power 折射力 the ability of a substance to refract light expressed quantitatively by either its index of refraction or its refractivity
optimal [ˋɑptəməl] adj. 最理想的
retina [ˋrɛtɪnə] n. 视网膜
aside from 除此之外 except for something
rinse [rɪns] v. 冲洗;轻洗
cleansing [ˋklɛnzɪŋ] adj. 使清洁的
saline [ˋselaɪn] adj. 含盐分的
buildup [ˋbɪld͵ʌp] n. 累积;形成 an accumulation, as of a material
microorganism [͵maɪkroˋɔrgən͵ɪzəm] n. 微生物
Reading Questions
1. What is true of Leonardo Da Vinci?
(A) It was his company that manufactured the first contact lenses.
(B) He is widely credited with making the first contact lens.
(C) He was the first person to wear contact lenses.
(D) It was his idea that gave birth to the concept of the contact lens.
2. Cosmetic contact lenses would be useful for which of the following people?
(A) Someone who can’t see faraway objects.
(B) Someone who doesn’t like how their eyes look.
(C) Someone who has trouble seeing the print in books.
(D) Someone who is nearly blind.
3. What is the main purpose of this article?
(A) To give background information on something that aids vision.
(B) To talk about the many scientific contributions of Da Vinci.
(C) To discuss the differences between eyeglasses and contact lenses.
(D) To point out the drawbacks of wearing contact lenses.
give birth to something 引起,产生 to cause or be the origin of something
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1. ( D ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( A ) |