NEETs: The Generation That Refuses to Grow Up 拒绝长大的「尼特族」
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2007年6月12日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年12月21日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:384
Among a clutter of CDs, newspapers, clothes, and action figures, Tom sits at the computer in his room. He spends the bulk of his time here, chatting online, playing computer games, and hoping to find the answer to the question “What am I supposed to do with my life?” This may sound like a typical high-school student, but Tom is not a teenager. At the age of 28, he is a member of a growing demographic: the NEET generation.
NEET stands for “Not in Employment, Education or Training,” and refers to an ever-growing number of people in places like Taiwan and Japan. Members of this generation of melancholy, escapism and passivity have usually received higher education, yet are reluctant to seek employment. Instead, they stay at home and live off their parents. From time to time, they may attempt a part-time job, but then quit at the faintest sign of hardship. Finding it easier to “fire their bosses” than to work through any problems they might encounter, they lazily indulge in lives of leisure and dependence.
The 2006 Japanese book NEET divides NEETs into four types: Pleasure-seeking NEETs reject the constraints of traditional expectations and look for a liberated life. Reclusive NEETs do not like to interact with people, retreating into their own private worlds. Shell-shocked NEETs avoid the outside world simply because it frightens them. And Frustrated NEETs believe they are downright worthless. Regardless of type, all NEETs shun work and school, and have virtually no physical contact with society.
be supposed [səˋpozd] to 认为必须, 认为应该; 认为...必要
in employment 在业; 有工作
employment [ɪmˋplɔɪmənt] n. 职业,工作
melancholy [ˋmɛlən͵kɑlɪ] n. 忧郁
live off 靠〔某经济来源或某人〕过活 to obtain one's living or means of survival from someone or something
encounter [ɪnˋkaʊntɚ] v. 遇到(困难,危险等)
constraint [kənˋstrent] n. 限制; 束缚
retreat [rɪˋtrit] v. 撤退,退却[(+from/to)]
downright [ˋdaʊn͵raɪt] adv. 完全地,彻底地
shun [ʃʌn] v. 躲开,避开
More Information
clutter [ˋklʌtɚ] n. 杂乱;散乱的东西
action figure 手臂及腿部可以移动的玩偶(通常形似某故事中英雄)
bulk [bʌlk] n. 大部分[the S][(+of)]
demographic [͵diməˋgræfɪk]n. (尤指特定年龄段的)人群
stand for 代表
escapism [əsˋkepɪzəm] n. 逃避现实
passivity [pæˋsɪvətɪ] n. 被动
from time to time 有时, 偶尔 irregularly; now and then; occasionally; sometimes; not predictably
faint [fent] adj.(希望等)微小的; 微弱的
hardship [ˋhɑrdʃɪp] n. 艰难,困苦
work through 解决
indulge [ɪnˋdʌldʒ] v. 沉迷于;满足(欲望等)
liberated [`lɪbəˏretɪd] adj.〔在社交和男女关系上〕不受约束的﹐思想解放的
reclusive [rɪˋklusɪv] adj. 隐遁的;孤寂的
shell-shocked 患战斗疲劳症的; 【非正式】疲劳的; 慌乱的; 焦虑的 mentally confused, upset, or exhausted as a result of excessive stress
Twenty-three-year-old Mike is a perfect example of a NEET. He obtained a certificate in food and beverage management from a vocational high school. After finishing military service, Mike wanted to work in the hospitality industry. His father pulled some strings to get him a job at a five-star hotel, but Mike quit after just two weeks, saying he was being worked too hard. This pattern would repeat itself several times. Even with good connections, his family could not land one job that Mike could endure. Eventually, both Mike and his family gave up trying. Now he lives a life of leisure at home with his parents.
What has given rise to this emerging group of people that seem so keen to idle away their time? For one, automation and globalization have made the job market extremely competitive worldwide. Also, in today’s world, a college degree no longer guarantees a lucrative job. Finally, because married couples are having fewer children, parents are prone to dote on their kids. This has begotten the “strawberry generation,” which cannot bear the slightest frustration.
As daunting as the NEET problem seems, there are solutions. Job training and referrals provided by governments could coax some NEETs out of their protective shells. Parents should stop being overprotective, and force their kids to stand on their own two feet. Nevertheless, no matter what parents and the government do, it’s up to NEETs themselves to develop the will to earn a living and take control of their own lives.
−by Joe Henley
certificate [sɚˋtɪfəkɪt] n. 证明书;执照
management [ˋmænɪdʒmənt] n. 管理
pull strings【口】透过私人关系 to secretly use the influence that you have over important people in order to get something or to help someone
endure [ɪnˋdjʊr] v. 忍耐,忍受
globalization [ˌgloʊbələˈzeɪʃn] n. 全球化
competitive [kəmˋpɛtətɪv] adj. 竞争的; 充满竞争的
lucrative [ˋlukrətɪv] adj. 赚钱的; 赚大钱的
dote [dot] on 溺爱 to love someone or something a lot, sometimes foolishly or too much
coax [koks] v. 用好话劝,哄诱
stand on one’s own two feet 独立自主; 自立 to be independent and provide yourself with all the things that you need to live without having to ask anyone else to help you
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vocational [voˋkeʃən!]adj. 职业的
hospitality [͵hɑspɪˋtælətɪ] n. 好客;殷勤招待
land [lænd] v.【口】弄到,捞到
give rise to 引起 to cause something to exist
keen [kin] adj. 渴望的,极想的[+to-v]
idle away 虚度〔光阴〕; 消磨〔时间〕to waste one's time in idleness; to waste a period of time, such as an afternoon, evening, and one’s life
automation [͵ɔtəˋmeʃən] n. 自动化(技术);
prone [pron] adj. 有……倾向的,易于……的[F][(+to)][+to-v]
beget [bɪˋgɛt] v. 引起,招致
daunting [ˋdɔntɪŋ] adj. 令人怯步的;使人气馁的
referral [rɪˋfɝəl] n. 【正式】提交; 介绍
Reading Questions
1. Which of the following would fall into demographic of the NEET generation?
A. A person who works during the day and goes to school at night.
B. One who is not in university, and instead enters vocational training.
C. A person who is out of school, and does not actively seek a job.
D. One who is between semesters at college, and doesn’t work during that period.
2. What would a NEET be most likely to do?
A. Find creative ways of making money.
B. Continuously borrow money from his or her parents.
C. Actively seek real challenges in life.
D. Try his or her best to meet traditional expectations.
3. Which is NOT a reason given for the rise of the NEET generation?
A. Parents have become too soft on their children.
B. There is more international competition for jobs nowadays.
C. Advances in technology have eliminated many jobs.
D. Employers today are much quicker to dismiss their employees.
4. What would be a good alternate title for this article?
A. NEETs: Going Nowhere Fast
B. NEETs: Ambition Personified
C. How to Become a NEET
D. It’s Neat to Be a NEET
Going Nowhere Fast: to not progress
96日本 尼特族
1. ( C ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( A ) |