当前位置:Home 英语教材 Intermediate English-2 (附英,中文講解) Literature (文学) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: In the Shadow of Sherlock Holmes 侦探小说宗师──阿瑟.柯南.道尔爵士

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: In the Shadow of Sherlock Holmes 侦探小说宗师──阿瑟.柯南.道尔爵士








A stick-thin detective enters his apartment and hangs up his long overcoat and hunting hat. After moving to his armchair to smoke his favorite pipe, he smiles confidently, waiting for the evildoer to walk into his trap. This is Sherlock Holmes, the brilliant detective who not only frustrated the plans of many clever criminals, but also tormented his creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.



Doyle was born in 1859 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was very close to his mother, a talented storyteller. Doyle recalled that “…. The vivid stories she would tell me stand out so clearly that they obscure the real facts of my life.” However, at nine years old, he was sent away from his mother, in tears, to study in England.



rebellious student, Doyle hated the strict English school system. Yet at school he discovered that, like his mother, he was good at storytelling. He would enchant his schoolmates with his imaginative tales.



After graduating, Doyle chose to pursue a medical degree. This career path would lead him to opportunities for adventure. As he said, “Perhaps it was good for me that the times were hard, for I was wild, full-blooded and a trifle reckless.”






torment [tɔrˋmɛnt] v. 折磨;烦扰

obscure [əbˋskjʊr] v. 遮掩; 使失色

rebellious [rɪˋbɛljəs] adj. 叛逆的

enchant [ɪnˋtʃænt] v. 使陶醉; 使入迷

reckless [ˋrɛklɪs] adj. 鲁莽的


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in the shadow of 在…阴影的笼罩下

stick-thin 瘦骨如柴的 someone or something is as thin as a stick; to be very thin

overcoat [ˋovɚ͵kot] n. 外套,大衣

armchair [ˋɑrm͵tʃɛr] n. 扶手椅

evildoer [ˋiv!ˋduɚ] n. 作坏事的人

trap [træp] n. 陷阱

recall [rɪˋkɔl] v. 回想,回忆

stand out 突出, 显着 to be easily seen or noticed; to protrude

pursue [pɚˋsu] v. 从事;继续

full-blooded [fʊlˋblʌdɪd] adj. 精力充沛的

trifle [ˋtraɪf!] n. 少量,少许








Three years into his medical studies, Doyle joined the crew of the whaling ship Hope as the ship’s surgeon. The journey took him into the frigid waters of the Arctic Circle, and the whale hunt fascinated him. This adventurous experience helped mold Doyle into a strong and confident person. “I went on board the whaler a big, straggling youth,” he said. “I came off a powerful, well-grown man.”



After returning to England, Doyle completed his degree. He later drew a cartoon of himself receiving his diploma and jokingly captioned it “Licensed to Kill.” Several years later, following another seafaring trip to Africa, he opened up a doctor’s practice in England.



Around this time, Doyle began writing a story that would make him a legend. A Study in Scarlet was Doyle’s first story to feature Sherlock Holmes, a character based on one of his favorite professors in college. Holmes was assisted by his close friend Dr. Watson, who was the narrator and was based on Doyle himself. Published in 1888, the story was a stunning success.






fascinate [ˋfæsn͵et] v. 使着迷,迷住,强烈地吸引

diploma [dɪˋplomə] n. 毕业文凭,学位证书

license [ˋlaɪsns] v. 许可; 准许

narrator [næˋretɚ] n. 叙述者,讲述者

stunning [ˋstʌnɪŋ] adj. 惊人的; 令人震惊的


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whaling [ˋhwelɪŋ] n. 捕鲸;捕鲸业

frigid [ˋfrɪgɪd] adj. 寒冷的, 严寒的

the Arctic Circle  北极圈

mold [mold] v. 塑造,把……塑造成[(+into)]

on board 上船 on or in a transportation object

whaler [ˋhwelɚ] n. 捕鲸船

straggling [ˋstræg!ɪŋ] adj. 散乱的 untidy; not neat and tidy

well-grown 生长良好的 having attained a satisfactory growth or development

caption [ˋkæpʃən] v. 加标题于

seafaring [ˋsi͵fɛrɪŋ] adj. 航海的








Doyle wrote many more stories about Sherlock Holmes, making him famous in America and England. But the author and his character would have a stormy relationship. Doyle was publishing other, more serious works and taking great pride in his historical novels, especially The White Company. Indeed, after writing The White Company, Doyle exclaimed “Well, I’ll never beat that!” and threw his pen against the wall.



It seemed to Doyle that Holmes was pushing his best works into the shadows. He began to feel more and more like Holmes’s sidekick, Dr. Watson. He even occasionally signed his letters “Dr. Watson” as a joke. Finally, against the advice of his fans, publishers, and even his own mother, Doyle killed off Holmes by sending him over a waterfall in a fight with a criminal.



Doyle went on to write many other stories and books, but he could never truly escape Sherlock Holmes. Under public pressure, he reconciled himself with his character and brought Holmes back to life. Doyle continued to write about Holmes and led a full life with his family until 1939. In the end, Doyle was found in his garden, clutching his chest with one hand and holding a white snowdrop flower in the other.



by Alan Campana





stormy [ˋstɔrmɪ] adj. 激烈的,多风波的

take pride in  为...感到自豪; 引以为荣  feel proud of

exclaim [ɪksˋklem] v. 呼喊;惊叫

reconcile [ˋrɛkənsaɪl] v. 使和解,使和好[(+with)]

clutch [klʌtʃ] v. 抓住;攫取


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push one's best works into the shadows 使其最好的作品相较暗然失色  It means that his best works receive little attention because Holmes is better known.

sidekick [ˋsaɪd͵kɪk] n.【非正式】助手

kill off 杀死某人; 除掉 to destroy in such large numbers as to render extinct

full life 充实的人生 greatest possible extent

snowdrop [ˋsno͵drɑp] n. 〔欧洲产的〕雪花莲



Sherlock Holmes - Official Movie Trailer 2009



当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Intermediate English-2 (附英,中文講解) Literature (文学) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: In the Shadow of Sherlock Holmes 侦探小说宗师──阿瑟.柯南.道尔爵士