Haruki Murakami: Japan’s Storytelling Genius 村上春树的故事部屋
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年10月27日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年7月06日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:265
There are few, if any, authors in the world today who enjoy a more loyal and devoted following than Haruki Murakami. His singular writing style and gift for storytelling that effortlessly mix the familiar with the fantastical have helped his fame spread well beyond the shores of his native Japan.
In keeping with the surreal nature of many of his novels, Murakami’s writing career got started in rather unusual circumstances. One sunny afternoon in 1978, he was watching a baseball game when, at the moment one of the players hit a home run, Murakami realized he wanted to write a novel. He started work on the novel, entitled Hear the Wind Sing, that very night, and it went on to win first prize in a magazine’s literary contest.
At the time he started down this new path as a writer, Murakami was running a jazz club that he’d opened up soon after leaving university. Although he loved working around music, he wasn’t a naturally talkative person, and was never totally comfortable making conversation with customers every night. In any case, by the time Murakami’s third novel, A Wild Sheep Chase, was published in 1982, he had sold the jazz club to concentrate on writing full-time. Murakami’s passion for all kinds of music is evident from the many musical references in many of his stories. The titles of some of his novels are even taken directly from songs. One such novel is Norwegian Wood. Named after a song by The Beatles, this is the work that really propelled Murakami into the big time.
genius [ˋdʒinjəs] n. 天才; 对别人有巨大影响的人
loyal [ˋlɔɪəl] adj. 忠实的; 忠诚的
devoted [dɪˋvotɪd] adj. 虔诚的;专心致志的
following [ˋfɑləwɪŋ] n. 一批追随者
singular [ˋsɪŋgjəlɚ] adj. 非凡的; 卓越的; 奇特的
effortlessly [ˋɛfɚtlɪslɪ] adv. 轻松地,毫不费劲地
in keeping with 与...一致
circumstance [ˋsɝkəm͵stæns] n. 情况; 环境;情势
entitle [ɪnˋtaɪt!] v. 给(书等)题名
contest [ˋkɑntɛst] n. 竞赛,比赛
in any case 无论如何 regardless of what has occurred or will occur
concentrate [ˋkɑnsɛn͵tret] v. 全神贯注[(+on/upon)]
evident [ˋɛvədənt] adj. 明显的
reference [ˋrɛfərəns] n. 参考; 出处; 提及
propel [prəˋpɛl] v. 推动;驱策
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storytelling [ˋstorɪ͵tɛlɪŋ] n. 讲故事;写故事
fantastical [fæn`tæstɪk!]] adj. 虚构的; 空想的
surreal [səˋriəl] adj. 超现实的
talkative [ˋtɔkətɪv] adj. 爱说话的; 健谈的
big time 〔演艺界或政治上的〕头号地位; 最高成就; 第一流水平 the most prestigious level of attainment in a competitive field
Published in 1987, Norwegian Wood sold a staggering 3.5 million copies in Japan in its first year alone. Its storyline is probably the most conventional of all Murakami’s novels, following a young college student, Toru, as he grapples with his love for two very different women. While the mysterious and melancholy Naoko holds a fascination for him, Toru also finds himself drawn to one of his classmates, the feisty and emotional Midori. With its musings on love, loss, and life, this coming-of-age story has come to be viewed as required reading for just about every young person in Japan.
Unlike Norwegian Wood, most of Murakami’s stories are full of strange elements. For example, one of the main characters in Kafka on the Shore is an elderly man who one day discovers he can talk to cats. In The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, the narrator has a series of vivid hallucinations while lying at the bottom of a deep well that he discovers behind his house. Just like the reader, Murakami’s heroes have little idea of where events are leading them or what will happen next.
Murakami also finds time to deal with social issues, such as Japanese war crimes committed during World War II, in The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, and the phenomenon of religious cults, in his latest novel, 1Q84. He has even tried his hand at non-fiction with books including Underground, which explores the 1995 sarin gas terrorist attack on the Tokyo subway. Whether he’s dealing with the real world or the imaginary, Murakami’s writing never fails to enthrall.
staggering [ˋstægərɪŋ] adj. 惊人的; 难以相信的
mysterious [mɪsˋtɪrɪəs] adj. 神秘的
fascination [͵fæsnˋeʃən] n. 令人着迷的事物; 吸引力
emotional [ɪˋmoʃən!] adj. 易动情的;感情脆弱的
view [vju] v. 将……看成是[O][(+as/with)] to think of in a particular way; regard
required [rɪˋkwaɪrd] adj. 必须的;【美】(学科)必修的
narrator [næˋretɚ] n. 叙述者,讲述者
a series of 一连串的; 一系列的
commit [kəˋmɪt] v. 犯(罪),做(错事等)
phenomenon [fəˋnɑmə͵nɑn] n. 现象
try one's hand at 试着做某事
explore [ɪkˋsplor] v. 探讨; 探索
terrorist [ˋtɛrərɪst] n. 恐怖主义者;恐怖分子
fail to 未能…
enthrall [ɪnˋθrɔl] v. 迷住;吸引住
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storyline [ˋstorɪ͵laɪn] n. 故事情节
conventional [kənˋvɛnʃən!] adj. 传统式的; 普通的
grapple [ˋgræp!] v. 努力解决(问题等)[(+with)]
melancholy [ˋmɛlən͵kɑlɪ] adj. 忧郁的,郁闷的
feisty [ˋfaɪstɪ] adj. 活跃的; 顽强自信的; 好争辩的
musing [ˋmjuzɪŋ] n. 沉思 contemplation; meditation
coming-of-age 成长; 成年,成熟
hallucination [hə͵lusnˋeʃən] n. 幻觉, 幻想
cult [kʌlt] n. 狂热崇拜,迷信;狂热
Despite his immense popularity, Murakami is not an author who enjoys the limelight, and he refuses to appear on television or radio. Indeed, once he began to achieve success in Japan in the mid-1980s, he chose to move abroad rather than be subjected to the media attention that came with his newfound fame. After traveling through Europe, he eventually settled in the United States, where he stayed until finally returning to Japan around ten years later. A fluent English speaker, Murakami has long been strongly attracted to the West, while feeling conflicted about his homeland. As a result, he has never been fully accepted by Japan’s literary establishment.
Wherever he has lived over the past few decades, Murakami tries to stick to the same rigorous daily schedule. He typically gets up at 4 a.m., writes for around four hours, then goes for a 10 km run, before devoting the afternoon to translating. Running is a vital part of Murakami’s life, so much so that he’s even published a mini-autobiography on his favorite pastime, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. Every year, he runs a full marathon, and he’s even completed a grueling 100 km “ultramarathon.” He has commented that when he dies, he would like the phrase “at least he never walked” on his tombstone.
Both in his energetic lifestyle and in his remarkable writing, there is so much to admire about Haruki Murakami. He has even been named as a contender for the ultimate honor for writers, the Nobel Prize for Literature. But even if that never happens, his place as one of the world’s greatest living authors is assured.
−by David Vickers
popularity [͵pɑpjəˋlærətɪ] n. 受欢迎; 声望
limelight [ˋlaɪm͵laɪt] n. 众人注目的中心
be subjected to 遭受, 经受. 受到…控制
fame [fem] n. 声誉,名望
fluent [ˋfluənt] adj. 流利的,流畅的
conflicted [kənˋflɪktɪd] adj. 矛盾的,冲突的
stick to 坚持
rigorous [ˋrɪgərəs] adj. 严格的
autobiography [͵ɔtəbaɪˋɑgrəfɪ] n. 自传
grueling [ˋgruəlɪŋ] adj. 累垮人的;令人受不了的
energetic [͵ɛnɚˋdʒɛtɪk] adj. 精力旺盛的
remarkable [rɪˋmɑrkəb!] adj. 非凡的;卓越的
contender [kənˋtɛndɚ] n. 争夺者;竞争者
ultimate [ˋʌltəmɪt] adj. 最后的,最终的
assured [əˋʃʊrd] adj. 确定的
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newfound [ˈnjuˌfaʊnd] adj. 新发现的; 新得到的
establishment [ɪsˋtæblɪʃmənt] n.(通常反对变革的)当权派
so much so that 以至于; 如此地 to such a great degree
pastime [ˋpæs͵taɪm] n. 消遣;娱乐
marathon [ˋmærə͵θɑn] n. 马拉松赛跑
tombstone [ˋtum͵ston] n. 墓石﹐ 墓碑