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To Hell and Back with Dante 《神曲》:与但丁同游地狱天堂








Since the dawn of human history, the question of what happens to us when we die has provoked fascination and fear in equal measure. Many religions preach that death is not the end, but rather the gateway to an “afterlife,” in which each person is either rewarded in heaven or punished in hell. One of the most enduring depictions of this afterlife comes from the epic poem the “Divine Comedy” by the Italian writer Dante Alighieri.



Dante, who is often referred to by Italians as “The Supreme Poet,” was born in the city of Florence around the year 1265. His family was one of the most distinguished in the city, and he likely enjoyed a fairly privileged upbringing. As was quite a common custom at the time, Dante was contracted to marry a girl from a similarly wealthy family while he was still a child, only 12 years old. However, by this time he had already fallen in love at first sight with another girl, Beatrice, who unfortunately remained a distant dream for him.



Apart from being a poet, Dante was also an active politician, but this involvement brought him misfortune when the party he belonged to was defeated and he was sent into exile. It was around this time that Dante began work on his great masterpiece, the “Divine Comedy.” He wrote it in a language of his own making, a mixture of his local Tuscan dialect and Latin, which he called “Italian.” That is why, to this day, Dante is also praised as the “Father of the Italian Language.”






dawn [dɔn] n. 开端;曙光

provoke [prəˋvok] v. 激起

in equal measure 在同等程度上; 同等地 used for saying that two things have an equal effect or importance

preach [pritʃ] v.【宗】布道;讲(道)

enduring [ɪnˋdjʊrɪŋ] adj. 持久的;耐久的

distinguished [dɪˋstɪŋgwɪʃt] adj. 卓越的;著名的

privileged [ˋprɪvɪlɪdʒd] adj. 享有特权的;特许的;幸运的

upbringing [ˋʌp͵brɪŋɪŋ] n. 养育;教养

at first sight 乍看之下

politician [͵pɑləˋtɪʃən] n. 政治家

misfortune [mɪsˋfɔrtʃən] n. 不幸;恶运

defeat [dɪˋfit] v. 击败

exile [ˋɛksaɪl] n. 流放;流亡

masterpiece [ˋmæstɚ͵pis]n. 杰作,名作

dialect [ˋdaɪəlɛkt] n. 方言,土话


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gateway [ˋget͵we] n. 门户;通道

afterlife [ˋæftɚ͵laɪf] n. 来世﹐来生

depiction [dɪˋpɪkʃən] n. 描写;叙述

epic [ˋɛpɪk] adj. 史诗的,叙事诗的

supreme [səˋprim] adj. 最高的,至上的

custom [ˋkʌstəm] n.(社会,团体的)习俗,惯例

contract [kənˋtrækt] v. 使订婚约

involvement [ɪnˋvɑlvmənt] n. 卷入; 牵连








The “Divine Comedy” is a truly ambitious work that stretches for a total of 14,000 lines. It is divided into three main sections, which are, in turn, split into thirty-three smaller cantos. Written in the first person, the poem describes Dante’s imaginary journey from Hell (Inferno) to Heaven (Paradisio), via the neutral realm of Purgatory (Purgatorio).



The narrative begins with Dante stumbling lost through a dark wood, aware that he has fallen into a “deep place” and unable to find his way to salvation. At this point, the Roman poet Virgil appears to rescue Dante and guide him on his journey down to the underworld. When Dante reaches Hell, he sees that it is divided into three levels according to three types of sin: self-indulgence, violence and maliciousness. He also observes that people are punished for their sins in Hell by means of poetic justice. For example, fortune-tellers must walk with their heads back-to-front, preventing them from seeing ahead as they tried to do in life.



Ascending from the depths of Hell, Dante and Virgil then find themselves in front of the Mountain of Purgatory, located on an island on the far side of the world. Having journeyed through this gloomy realm, populated by non-believers and sinners waiting for redemption, Dante is taken up to Heaven by his first love, Beatrice, who had in fact died in real life. She shows him that Heaven is divided into nine spheres, and that all souls there are allotted a position in proportion to their ability to love God.






ambitious [æmˋbɪʃəs] adj. 雄心勃勃的; 需要极大努力或才干才能完成的

stretch [strɛtʃ] v. 延续;连绵

split [splɪt] into(使)分成

neutral [ˋnjutrəl] adj. 中立的;中立地带的

realm [rɛlm] n. 界,领域

stumble [ˋstʌmb!] v. 踉跄,蹒跚而行

salvation [sælˋveʃən] n.〔基督教中〕对灵魂的拯救; 救赎

rescue [ˋrɛskju] v. 援救;营救

sin [sɪn] n.(宗教或道德上的)罪

justice [ˋdʒʌstɪs] n. 正义;公平

prevent [prɪˋvɛnt] v. 阻止(+from)]

ascend [əˋsɛnd] v. 登高;上升

gloomy [ˋglumɪ] adj. 阴暗的;阴沉的

populate [ˋpɑpjə͵let] v. 居住于

in proportion to  就…比例而言


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canto [ˋkænto] n.(长诗的)篇,章

Purgatory [ˋpɝgə͵torɪ] n.(常作P-)炼狱

narrative [ˋnærətɪv] n. 故事

underworld [ˋʌndɚ͵wɝld] n.(大写)阴间,地狱

indulgence [ɪnˋdʌldʒəns] n. 沈溺, 放纵

maliciousness [məˋlɪʃəsnɪs] n. 恶意; 恶毒

redemption [rɪˋdɛmpʃən] n.〔基督教指耶稣的〕救赎; 赎罪

sphere [sfɪr] n. 阶层; 范围

allot [əˋlɑt] v. 分配;指派








There are many reasons why the “Divine Comedy” is widely considered one of the great masterpieces of literature. Not least of these is Dante’s skillful use of allegory and symbolism to bring a richness and depth of meaning to his work. Even the structure of the poem itself is very symbolic, as the reoccurrence of the number three in its divisions represents the Christian Holy Trinity.



When he isn’t vividly describing the many characters and scenes that he encounters on his journey, Dante devotes space to discussing topics that were important to him. For example, he criticizes the corrupt state of Italian politics, as well as bringing up scientific theories, such as changes in the direction of gravity, descriptions of clockwork mechanisms and the existence of a spherical earth.



Another important aspect of the “Divine Comedy” is that it was the first major example in the Middle Ages of someone writing on a serious topic in “low,” vulgar language. By choosing to write in his Tuscan dialect over the usual Latin, Dante raised many eyebrows among the Establishment and created a new language in the process. Indeed, even the poem’s title directly refers to this low form of language – “comedy” was a term used at the time to label poems about “low,” everyday subjects, rather than those of a “higher,” more intellectual nature, or “tragedy.” For all those who have been captivated over the centuries by Dante’s fantastical world, however, there’s certainly nothing low or common about this amazing poem.



by David Vickers





not least 尤其是; 特别是 while something may not be of the first importance, it is nevertheless not at the bottom of the list

structure [ˋstrʌktʃɚ] n. 结构

symbolic [sɪmˋbɑlɪk] adj. 象征的,象征性的

encounter [ɪnˋkaʊntɚ] v. 遇到(困难,危险等)

devote [dɪˋvot] v. 把……专用(于)[(+to)]

criticize [ˋkrɪtɪ͵saɪz] v. 批评;批判

corrupt [kəˋrʌpt] adj. 腐败的,贪污的

bring up 提起……,谈到 to mention

existence [ɪgˋzɪstəns] n. 存在

vulgar [ˋvʌlgɚ] adj. 粗俗的;下流的

raise one's eyebrows (对...)表示轻蔑(或惊讶、怀疑等) to cause disapproval or worry

in the process 在过程中

label [ˋleb!] v. 把……归类为

intellectual [͵ɪnt!ˋɛktʃʊəl] adj. 有知识的; 智力的

captivate [ˋkæptə͵vet] v. 使着迷


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allegory [ˋælə͵gorɪ] n. 寓言;讽喻

symbolism [ˋsɪmb!͵ɪzəm] n. 象征作用;象征性

reoccurrence [riəˋkɝəns] n. 复发

Christian Holy Trinity 基督教的三位一体

trinity [ˋtrɪnətɪ] n. 三位一体; 三个(人或物)一组

vividly [ˋvɪvɪdlɪ] adv. 生动地;逼真地

space [spes] n. 篇幅

gravity [ˋgrævətɪ] n. 地心吸力

clockwork [ˋklɑk͵wɝk] n. 钟表的机械;发条装置

mechanism [ˋmɛkə͵nɪzəm] n. 机械装置;机械作用

the Establishment(大写)权势集团;体制

tragedy [ˋtrædʒədɪ] n. 悲剧



Divina Comedia de Dante Alighieri



Dante Alighieri Divine Comedy 1 of 4




当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Intermediate English-2 (附英,中文講解) Literature (文学) To Hell and Back with Dante 《神曲》:与但丁同游地狱天堂