From Nature Lover to Nature Protector: The Story of Gerald Durrell 杜瑞尔:大自然的守护者
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2007年6月26日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年12月21日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:253
“I don’t know why my brother and sister complain so much. With snakes in the bath and scorpions on the lunch table, our house, on the island of Corfu, is a bit like a circus. So they should feel right at home ……”
– from My Family & Other Animals
Gerald Durrell had an enduring passion for animals. He was a naturalist, zookeeper, conservationist, author, and television presenter during the course of his life. But perhaps he is best remembered for writing best-selling books about his life as an animal collector and enthusiast.
Durrell was born in Jamshedpur, India. Life for the Durrells was much the same as any ordinary British family at the time. During his early years the impressionable Durrell took an intense interest in the zoo. He was mesmerized by the animals and a lifelong love affair began.
Durrell’s time in India came to an end after his father’s death in 1928. The family then set course for England and Durrell started attending school in London. Even at such a young age, his interest in animals waxed strong while his interest in other subjects waned. He would often feign illness so he could stay home and read about his favorite subjects.
By age eight, Durrell and his family moved again, but this time to the beautiful Greek island of Corfu. Here, young Durrell was home-schooled by family friends and tutors. One of them, Dr. Theodore Stephanides, became Durrell’s friend and mentor and left a profound impression on him. Both shared a love for animals, and together they explored the fertile Corfu.
at home (像在自己家里一样)自在, 无拘束
enduring [ɪnˋdjʊrɪŋ] adj. 持久的;耐久的
conservationist [͵kɑnsɚˋveʃənɪst] n.〔动植物等或古旧建筑〕保护工作者
take an interest in 对…有兴趣
mesmerize [ˋmɛsmə͵raɪz] v. [often passive 常用被动态] 使着迷; 使迷住
come to an end 终结, 结束
feign [fen] v. 装作,假装
impression [ɪmˋprɛʃən] n. 印象; 影响
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scorpion [ˋskɔrpɪən] n. 蝎子
naturalist [ˋnætʃərəlɪst] n. 博物学家〔尤指在野外研究动植物者〕; 自然主义者
presenter [prɪˋzɛntɚ] n. 节目主持人
impressionable [ɪmˋprɛʃənəb!] adj.〔尤因年轻而〕易受影响的
set course for 出发至…; 前往…
wax [wæks] v. 增加;变大 increase, gain, grow, rise
wane [wen] v. 衰落;没落; 变暗淡
home-school v. 在家教育 (Education) to teach one's child at home instead of sending him or her to school
mentor [ˋmɛntɚ] n. 良师益友
The family’s stay on the island of Corfu was cut short in 1939 by the outbreak of World War II. The entire Durrell family returned to England where they went through a hard time. Fortunately, the teenage Durrell secured employment by working at a pet store. Due to this experience, he was given the opportunity to join Whipsnade Zoo as a junior keeper when the war ended. This was his first step towards realizing his dreams.
Always adventurous and curious, Durrell decided to participate in wildlife collection expeditions. His first trip in 1947 took him to Cameroon, Africa, which was followed by numerous expeditions. Later on, Durrell got an idea to start his own zoo. Founded in 1958 and situated in a 16th –century manor house, Jersey Zoo was devoted to saving threatened wildlife from around the globe.
Durrell began to write autobiographical books based on his life to raise funds for his zoo. His most well-known work, My Family and Other Animals, was full of wry humor and poked fun at his family during their life on Corfu. It showed his cooking-crazed mother in a hilarious light, and how his unsatisfied oldest brother always found something to complain about. The book became an overnight success and helped to raise much-needed funds, which were used to create the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust in 1963.
The trust would financially assist organizations or individuals who worked with endangered species. Durrell also helped bring about the first World Conference on Breeding Endangered Species in Captivity, which was held at the Jersey Zoo. Finally, people within the conservationist community were listening to and respecting Gerald Durrell and his ideals.
cut short 打断 to stop before the end; abbreviate
outbreak [ˋaʊt͵brek] n.〔战争﹑战斗﹑恶疾的〕突然发生; 爆发
secure [sɪˋkjʊr] v. 弄到,获得
expedition [͵ɛkspɪˋdɪʃən] n. 远征;探险
autobiographical [͵ɔtə͵baɪəˋgræfɪk!] adj. 自传的;自传体的
poke [pok] fun at (通常作贬义)开玩笑; 嘲弄; 嘲笑 to make fun of someone or something
hilarious [həˋlɛrɪəs] adj. 极可笑的; 极有趣的
preservation [͵prɛzɚˋveʃən] n. 保护
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adventurous [ədˋvɛntʃərəs] adj. 爱冒险的;大胆的
Cameroon [͵kæməˋrun] n. 喀麦隆(西非国名)
manor [ˋmænɚ] n. 领地;庄园
wry [raɪ] adj. 富于幽默的;讽刺的
light [laɪt] n.(对事物的)见解,观点
overnight success 一夜成名
trust [trʌst] n. 托管,信托
bring about 引起, 造成 cause to happen, occur or exist
in captivity 指人工饲养的;笼养;在牢笼中
captivity [kæpˋtɪvətɪ] n. 拘禁; 囚禁; 束缚
Throughout his life, Durrell put his love of animals first and foremost. He was a dedicated naturalist, and his ideas, such as using zoo as animal reserve banks, set an important precedent. At age 70, after a challenge life spent mostly outdoors, this animal advocate passed away. Prior to his death, Durrell drafted a touching and candid letter, which was buried in a time capsule at the Jersey headquarters in 1988.
In the letter, Durrell beseeched people to respect the natural world and its inhabitants. He stated that it is through our misuse and greedy exploitation that ecosystems vanish. Durrell hoped that future generations would learn from the mistakes of the past and by what had been achieved. He left words of wisdom, which personified his appreciation and humility for the natural world.
−by Ryan Campbell
“We hope that there will be fireflies and glow-worms at night to guide you and butterflies in hedges and forests to greet you.
We hope that your dawns will have an orchestra of bird song and that the sound of their wings and the opalescence of their coloring will dazzle you.
We hope that there will still be the extraordinary varieties of creatures sharing the land of the planet with you to enchant you and enrich your lives as they have done for us.
We hope that you will be grateful for having been born into such a magical world.”
– Gerald Durrell (1925-1995)
first and foremost: 比什么都重要; 首要的 first to be dealt with and most important
set a precedent 为…开了先例
advocate [`ædvəkɪt] n. 提倡者;拥护者
prior [ˋpraɪɚ] to 在...之前
candid [ˋkændɪd] adj. 坦率的,直言的
inhabitant [ɪnˋhæbətənt] n.(某地区的)居民,居住者; 栖居的动物
exploitation [͵ɛksplɔɪˋteʃən] n. 开发;开采; 剥削
humility [hjuˋmɪlətɪ] n. 谦卑,谦逊
dazzle [ˋdæz!] v. 使目眩; 使赞叹不已
grateful [ˋgretfəl] adj. 感谢的,感激的[F][(+for/to)][+to-v][+(that)]
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pass away (委婉语)去世
capsule [ˋkæps!] n.【药】胶囊
beseech [bɪˋsitʃ] v. 恳求;哀求
misuse [mɪsˋjuz] v. 误用;滥用
personify [pɚˋsɑnə͵faɪ] v. 象征
firefly [ˋfaɪr͵flaɪ] n. 萤火虫
glow-worm [ˋglo͵wɝm] n. 萤火虫
hedge [hɛdʒ] n. 树篱;篱笆
opalescence [opəˋlɛsns] n. 乳白光,蛋白光
enchant [ɪnˋtʃænt] v. 使陶醉;使喜悦;使入迷