Michael Jackson: The King of Pop 永远的流行之王:麦可.杰克森
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年10月22日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年7月06日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:358
Michael Jackson’s tragic death on June 25th, 2009 generated almost unprecedented media coverage. As millions of Jackson’s fans around the world mourned, they also began to look back at the iconic singer’s life and rediscover the reasons why he became a global star.
Jackson’s path to superstardom began in 1964 when, aged just six, he teamed up with his four older brothers to form The Jackson 5. Despite his tender age, Michael had exceptional vocal talent, and he led the group to a string of No. 1s. A solo career soon followed, and Jackson put out five hit albums, all before he turned 21.
杰克森的巨星之路始于1964年,当时年仅6岁的他与4位兄长共组了「杰克森5人组」(The Jackson)。尽管年纪很轻,麦可却拥有绝佳的歌唱天份,也带领该团体拿下一连串的排行榜冠军。麦可很快地便展开了单飞生涯,在21岁之前就推出了5张畅销专辑。
In 1982, Jackson released Thriller, the album that would cement his place in music history. With its flawless production, perfect mix of genres, not to mention Jackson’s unmatched vocals, the album crossed divides of color, taste, and culture, turning Jackson into a truly universal star. It became the best-selling album of all time, selling more than 50 million copies worldwide. Jackson never matched Thriller’s success, but his subsequent releases are still among the world’s bestsellers.
Jackson’s influence on popular culture was immense, and entire generations were inspired by his music, dance moves, and style. Few can forget Jackson’s 1983 performance of Billie Jean on the Motown 25th Anniversary show, in which he immortalized the “moonwalk” and started a craze for wearing a single white glove. Today, many of the biggest acts in pop, R&B, and hip-hop cite Jackson as a significant influence. Famously, Jackson also revolutionized the music video, helping to popularize MTV in the process, with videos featuring complex storylines, high-quality production, and elaborate dance routines.
杰克森对流行文化影响甚巨,几个世代都受他的音乐、舞步及时尚风格所启发。很少有人能够忘记杰克森在1983年Motown 25周年纪念音乐会中表演的歌曲《比莉.珍》。在那场演出中,他让「月球漫步舞步」化为永恒,并开启了戴单只白手套的狂热风潮。即使在今日,许多流行音乐、R&B及嘻哈音乐的大人物仍认为杰克森对他们影响至深。众所皆知地,杰克森也改革了音乐录像带,运用复杂故事情节、高质量制作以及精心设计的舞步在过程中帮助推广MTV频道。
With his popularity scaling new heights, Jackson became known as the “King of Pop.“ For this music industry giant and legend in the eyes of many, there was surely no more fitting title.
tragic [ˋtrædʒɪk] adj. 悲剧性的;悲惨的,不幸的
global [ˋglob!] adj. 全世界的
team up (with somebody) 与...合作 to join with another person or group to achieve something
a string of 一串的,一系列 a series of
solo [ˋsolo] adj. 单独的;单独表演的
career [kəˋrɪr] n. 职业﹐事业
cement [sɪˋmɛnt] v. 巩固,加强
flawless [ˋflɔlɪs] adj. 无缺点的﹐无瑕的
universal [͵junəˋvɝs!] adj. 全世界的
influence [ˋɪnflʊəns] n. 影响力
anniversary [͵ænəˋvɝsərɪ] n. 周年纪念
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unprecedented [ʌnˋprɛsə͵dɛntɪd] adj. 空前的﹐前所未有的
coverage [ˋkʌvərɪdʒ] n. 新闻报导
mourn [morn] v. 哀痛,哀悼
look back 回顾 to think of or remember what has happened in the past
put out 出版, 发行 to publish
immortalize [ɪˋmɔrt!͵aɪz] v. 使永恒;使不灭;使不朽
cite [saɪt] v. 表扬,表彰; 引用;举出
elaborate [ɪˋlæbə͵ret] adj. 精心制作的;精巧的
scale new heights 更上一层楼; 再攀新高
The seventh of nine children, Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana, a rough industrial town near Chicago. Growing up, he was abused by his father, Joe, who would often beat his children during rehearsals, and Jackson later described his childhood as painfully lonely. When Jackson filled his home, Neverland, with amusement park rides and a zoo, some suggested that the star was compensating for his lost childhood. Still, the singer attributed his success in large part to his father’s strict discipline.
Jackson set records in almost everything he did. Aside from the biggest album, Jackson also had the biggest world tour when he performed to 4.5 million fans during his 1996 HIStory tour. And with record-breaking success came record-breaking earnings. In one year alone, Jackson earned $125 million, the most ever for an entertainer.
Using his huge fame and wealth, Jackson became a great humanitarian, supporting 39 charities and even setting up his own. He also co-wrote the famous charity single We Are the World, which raised $50 million for famine relief.
By the late 1980s, tabloid reports focusing on Jackson’s apparent weird behavior and ever-changing appearance had begun to overshadow his musical career. Then, in 1993 (and again in 2003) charges of child sexual abuse forever blackened Jackson’s reputation, even though he was never found guilty. The stress of the original accusations resulted in a painkiller addiction – which many suspect eventually led his untimely death.
Despite the controversy that surrounded him in life, however, Jackson remained a hugely admired artist and performer. And in death, he will be remembered for touching the hearts of millions with his timeless music. As Jackson once said, “Music has been my gift to this world. Through it, I know I will live forever.”
−by James Laughton-Smith
rough [rʌf] adj. (地区、城市、学校等)危险的,充斥暴力的,犯罪率高的
industrial [ɪnˋdʌstrɪəl] adj. 工业的
abuse [əˋbjus] n. 虐待
rehearsal [rɪˋhɝs!] n. 排练,试演
suggest [səˋdʒɛst] v. 暗示
compensate for 补偿; 弥补
in large part 在很大程度上 mostly
discipline [ˋdɪsəplɪn] n. 纪律; 纪律状况; 训练; 磨练
aside from 除此之外 excluding; except for
earnings [ˋɝnɪŋz] n. 收入,工资
charity [ˋtʃærətɪ] n. 慈善机构﹐慈善团体
famine [ˋfæmɪn] n. 饥荒
weird [wɪrd] adj. 【非正式】古怪的﹐奇异的
guilty [ˋgɪltɪ] adj. 有罪的
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ride [raɪd] n. 供乘骑的游乐设施 a device, such as one at an amusement park, that one rides for pleasure or excitement
humanitarian [hju͵mænəˋtɛrɪən] n. 人道主义者
relief [rɪˋlif] n. 救济;解救
tabloid [ˋtæblɔɪd] n.(以轰动性报导为特点的)小报
overshadow [͵ovɚˋʃædo] v. 夺去……的光彩; 使失色
blacken [ˋblækən] v. 败坏(名誉等);诋毁
addiction [əˋdɪkʃən] n. 成瘾;上瘾
untimely [ʌnˋtaɪmlɪ] adj. 过早死亡/结束等; 过早的
admired [ədˋmaɪrd] adj. 受景仰的; 受人欽佩的
timeless [ˋtaɪmlɪs] adj. 永恒的
Reading Questions
1. What is true about Michael Jackson as a child?
A. He liked to visit amusement parks and zoos.
B. He was of average talent for his age.
C. He led a happy and carefree life.
D. He was the lead singer of a band.
2. According to the article, which is NOT a reason for Thriller’s success?
A. The album appealed to people of different cultures.
B. The production of the album was perfect.
C. Michael Jackson sang in a revolutionary way.
D. Songs of different musical genres are featured on the album.
3. According to the article, how was Michael Jackson influenced by his father?
A. Michael inherited a love of music from his father.
B. Michael learned strict discipline from his father, which helped his career.
C. His father’s abuse helped Michael become a better singer and dancer.
D. Being beaten by his father made Michael afraid to make friends.
4. Which is NOT an achievement of Michael Jackson?
A. He sold more copies of a single album than anyone else.
B. He set up nearly 40 charities using his fame and wealth.
C. He performed to a record number of people in 1996.
D. He inspired music and fashion trends.
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1. ( D ) |
2. ( C ) |
3. ( B ) |
4. ( B ) |