Gaudi: Master of the Weird and Wonderful 建筑鬼才高第
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年4月22日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年6月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:359
Once in a while, an artist comes along whose ideas are so radical and distinctive that he creates a style all of his own. The Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi was certainly one such artist. While architecture is not always viewed as an art form, the amazing structures that Gaudi designed are truly works of art.
Growing up in the Catalonian countryside of the mid-19th century, Gaudi became fascinated by the forms that he saw in the natural world around him. As soon as he was old enough, he moved to the city of Barcelona to pursue his passion for architecture at university. By this point, he had already started to develop his signature style, which was influenced by nature and featured many curves and flowing shapes. His designs impressed and baffled his professors in equal measure. On Gaudi’s graduation, the college director commented, “Who knows if we have given this diploma to a nut or a genius!”
Gaudi spent the rest of his life in Barcelona, transforming the city’s landscape through his unique architectural vision. As well as being a strict Catholic, he was extremely proud of his native Catalonia, incorporating elements of the region’s traditional architecture into his designs. Now, over 80 years since his death, his fellow Catalans no doubt remain equally proud to be able to count Gaudi as one of their own.
radical [ˋrædɪk!] adj. 根本的;彻底的
distinctive [dɪˋstɪŋktɪv] adj. 有特色的,特殊的
architecture [ˋɑrkə͵tɛktʃɚ] n. 建筑物
comment [ˋkɑmɛnt] v. 评论
diploma [dɪˋplomə] n. 毕业文凭,学位证书
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once in a while 偶而 sometimes
come along 出现
Catalonian [͵kætəˋlonɪən] n. 加泰隆人(语)
Barcelona [͵bɑrsɪˋlonə] n. 巴塞隆纳(西班牙东北港)
signature style 独特风格
curve [kɝv] n. 曲线
baffle [ˋbæf!] v. 使困惑,难住
in equal measure 在同等程度上 in this sentence, it means that his designs made his professors both impressed and baffled
incorporate [ɪnˋkɔrpə͵ret] v. 把〔某物〕并入[(+in/into)]
Catalan [ˋkæt!ən] n.(西班牙)嘉泰罗尼亚人
Walking the streets of Barcelona today, one comes across examples of Gaudi’s impressive architecture everywhere. His buildings are distinguished by their vibrant colors, organic appearance, and use of curves. As the man himself once famously said, “The straight line belongs to man; the curved line belongs to Gods.”
His most famous work is the massive Sagrada Familia church that dominates Barcelona’s skyline. Gaudi took over construction of his awesome building a year after it started in 1882 and spent the rest of his life trying to perfect the project until his death in 1926, Incredibly, it still remains a work in progress today and isn’t expected to be finished for another few decades. One Barcelona landmark designed by Gaudi that was completed is Park Guell. Named after Gaudi’s patron, Eusebi Guell, this enchanting space is situated on a hillside overlooking the city. It is filled with weird and wonderful Gaudi designs, including a multi-colored stone dragon that guards the entrance. Just as impressive is Casa Batlló, an apartment building that Gaudi built for a wealthy nobleman. It has a somewhat grim theme, as the balconies are shaped like skulls with supporting pillars shaped like bones.
In all, seven of Gaudi’s masterpieces are listed as World Heritage sites by UNESCO, confirming the importance of Gaudi’s unique cultural contribution. He has left his enduring mark not only in Barcelona but on the whole world of architecture.
−by David Vickers
distinguish [dɪˋstɪŋgwɪʃ] v. 区别;识别
in progress 进行中
landmark [ˋlænd͵mɑrk] n.(显而易见的)地标
overlook [͵ovɚˋlʊk] v. 眺望;俯瞰
masterpiece [ˋmæstɚ͵pis] n. 杰作,名作
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come across 偶然碰见 to meet or find by chance
organic [ɔrˋgænɪk] adj.(变化或发展)逐渐的,自然的
skyline [ˋskaɪ͵laɪn] n.(建筑物等在天空映衬下的)空中轮廓线; 天际线
take over 接管, 继任 to assume the control or management of or the responsibility for
patron [ˋpetrən] n. 赞助者,资助者
enchanting [ɪnˋtʃæntɪŋ] adj. 迷人的,使人着魔的
hillside [ˋhɪl͵saɪd] n. 山腰,山坡
grim [grɪm] adj. 阴森的,令人生畏的
balcony [ˋbælkənɪ] n. 阳台,露台
confirm [kənˋfɝm] v. 肯定,确定
enduring [ɪnˋdjʊrɪŋ] adj. 持久的; 持续的
Reading Questions
1. What does the article tell us about Gaudi’s early life?
A. He grew up in the city of Barcelona.
B. He only discovered his love for architecture after university.
C. His professors were all confident of his success.
D. He spent much time observing plants and animals.
2. Which of the following is NOT true of Gaudi’s style?
A. It was influenced by traditional buildings in Catalonia.
B. Only natural materials were used in the construction of his buildings.
C. His designs featured shapes inspired by nature.
D. It was sometimes grim, sometimes vibrant, but always unique.
3. What do we know about the Sagrada Familia?
A. Its construction has continued for over a century.
B. It was originally Gaudi’s idea to build it.
C. Gaudi joined its construction shortly before he died in 1926.
D. It is due to be completed within the next few years.
4. Which of the following can be inferred from the article?
A. Gaudi was the first architect to view his work as art.
B. Gaudi’s buildings were not appreciated while he was alive.
C. It always took Gaudi a very long time to complete his projects.
D. Gaudi helped to change the way people view architecture.
Parc Guell, Barcelona - Dreamspaces - BBC
Casa Batlló, Barcelona
1. ( D ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( A ) |
4. ( D ) |