Wei Te-Sheng Brings Taiwanese Cinema to the World 导出台湾电影的璀璨未来:魏德圣导演
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年9月14日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2014年2月22日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:314
In recent years, few movies have resonated with Taiwanese audiences as much as Cape No. 7. Packed with romance, humor, and a dose of history, the film appealed to viewers around the world. The man responsible for making this classic is director Wei Te-Sheng.
From an early age, Wei developed a special fascination with the silver screen. As a child in YongKang, Taiwan, he grew up watching low-budget local films shown at tiny old cinemas and outdoor theaters. After completing his mandatory military service, Wei took an entry-level position at a small film production company. After learning the ropes, he was hired as an assistant to legendary filmmaker Edward Yang. From Yang, Wei learned the ins and outs of filmmaking.
After receiving critical acclaim and winning several awards for his short films, Wei decided to branch out on his own. In 2003, he spent NT$2.5 million – his life savings – shooting a five-minute trailer about the Wushe Incident, hoping to raise enough money to turn it into a full-length film. But at that time, few people were willing to invest in an unproven director. As a result, Wei turned his attention to Cape No. 7. Although it was produced on a small budget, the film became the highest-grossing movie in the history of Taiwanese cinema. Now, with a proven track record, Wei is recommitted to telling the world about an incident which has been forgotten by many.
resonate [ˋrɛzə͵net] v. 产生共鸣
dose [dos] n. 一点
mandatory [ˋmændə͵torɪ] adj. 义务的;强制的
acclaim [əˋklem] n. 称赞
trailer [ˋtrelɚ] n. 电影预告片
gross [gros] n. 总额,总量
recommit [͵rikəˋmɪt] v. 重新投入
silver screen 电影(业)films collectively or the film industry
low-budget 低成本的 made or done on a small budget
entry-level 入门的;基本的;初级的 appropriate for or accessible to one who is inexperienced in a field or new to a market
learn the ropes 熟悉某一行业 to understand how to do a particular job or activity
ins and outs 详情 the details or facts about something (usually + of )
branch out 拓展 to expand away from something; to diversify away from narrower interests
on one's own 独自地 by one's own efforts
track record 〔个人或机构在工作﹑解决问题等方面的〕成绩记录 a record of actual performance or accomplishment
The film, which is scheduled for release in September 2011, is called Seedig Bale. It will recount the large-scale uprising of the Seedig aborigines against their Japanese colonial rulers. The Seediq are an indigenous tribe that is known for its fearlessness. The phrase “Seedig Bale” in their language means “a true man.” In their society, a Seedig would earn this title only after proving that he is one of the bravest warriors.
这部影片片名为《赛德克.巴莱》,预定于2011年9月上映。影片讲述台湾原住民赛德克族对抗日本殖民统治者的大规模抗争。赛德克族是以骁勇无畏著称的原住民部落。赛德克语中,”Seediq Bale”一词意为「真正的人」;在他们的社会里,一名赛德克人只有在证明自己是最勇敢战士的一员之后才能赢得这项称号。
The story centers on Mouna Radao, a brave warrior and the son of a village chief. Deeply ashamed that his people were being governed by foreigners on land his forefathers had inhabited, Rudao put together a group of 300 warriors and led a revolt against the colonial oppressors. Their attack killed 130 Japanese. In response, the Japanese sent 2,000 heavily-armed troops to chase the Seedig into the mountains, where the Japanese used poison gas on them. Although they were outnumbered, the Seedig fought until the end. Rather than be taken prisoner, many Seediq killed themselves, an act which shocked their enemy and won them the admiration of the Japanese empire.
Although Wei is not of aboriginal descent, he took an interest in this incident because he found it one of the most fascinating tales in Taiwan’s history. In particular, Wei was intrigued by the story because there were no clear-cut heroes or villains. So if you’re looking for an action-packed epic, be sure to catch Seediq Bale at a theater near you.
-by Jamie Blackler
recount [ˋri͵kaʊnt] v. 叙述,讲述 to narrate the facts or particulars of
uprising [ˋʌp͵raɪzɪŋ] n. 起义;暴动
aborigine [æbəˋrɪdʒəni] n. 土著居民
indigenous [ɪnˋdɪdʒɪnəs] adj. 土著的
ashamed [əˋʃemd] adj. 羞愧的,感到难为情的
forefather [ˋfor͵fɑðɚ] n. 祖先
inhabit [ɪnˋhæbɪt] v. 居住于
revolt [rɪˋvolt] n. 反叛,起义
oppressor [əˋprɛsɚ] n. 压迫者
outnumber [aʊtˋnʌmbɚ] v. 数量上超过
descent [dɪˋsɛnt] n. 血统
intrigued [ɪnˋtrigd] adj. 好奇的;被迷住了的
clear-cut [ˋklɪrˋkʌt] adj. 明确的,清楚的 distinctly and sharply defined or outlined
villain [ˋvɪlən] n. 坏人,恶棍
action-packed adj. 充满令人激动情节的 full of activity or exciting events
put together 缀合 to construct; create
center on 以…为中心;重点在于… to focus on someone or something in particular
Reading Questions
1. Which of these statements does NOT describe Seediq Bale?
(A) It is about some aboriginal people’s struggle against the Japanese.
(B) It focuses on one man who leads his people in a terrible battle.
(C) It was the most financially-successful movie in Taiwanese history.
(D) Wei wanted to direct this film before he directed Cape No. 7.
2. Which of these statements best describes Wei’s reason for making Seediq Bale?
(A) Some of his family members also fought against Japanese.
(B) Some of his family members belonged to the Seediq tribe.
(C) He felt that the movie would be popular and make a lot of money.
(D) He liked that the people in the story were not simply good or bad.
3. What did Wei learn from another famous Taiwanese filmmaker?
(A) How to start his own film production company.
(B) The secrets behind making good movies.
(C) How to win an award for making great movies.
(D) The best way to tell stories about historical events.
4. Which statement shows the relationship between the movies Wei has made?
(A) After making some money from a big hit, he produced several short films.
(B) Before filming a historical movie, he had to produce a popular one.
(C) After making a historical movie, he also produced a few short films.
(D) Before his first big hit, he made another movie to make money.
海角七号_Cape No.7
雾社事件的珍贵相片/The Wushe Incident Rare Photo
《赛德克‧巴莱》戏院预告(HD)- Seediq Bale - Theatrical Trailer
1. ( C ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( B ) |
4. ( B ) |