当前位置:Home 英语教材 Intermediate English-2 (附英,中文講解) Sports (运动) Soaring Through the Sky 无可取代的飞行快感:飞行伞运动

Soaring Through the Sky 无可取代的飞行快感:飞行伞运动






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Since the dawn of time, humans have dreamed of what it would be like to soar through the sky like our fine ___1___ friends, the birds. Just imagine peacefully gliding over nature and looking down to see the world from a completely new ___2___. If this notion has your imagination soaring, you may want to try your hand at an exciting sport called paragliding.


(A) around

(B) originated

(C) stunts

(D) steeper

(E) by

(F) feathered

(G) perspective

(H) born

(I) training

(J) and


Paragliding ___3___ in the 1960s as a method of teaching parachutists how to land safely. So, instead of jumping out of airplanes, trainees grabbed their parachutes and jumped from cliffs. Or, as an alternative, they would tie a rope ___4___ their waist and get towed into the air by a vehicle. Pretty soon, the trainees became more interested in these short flights than they were in jumping from planes, and paragliding was ___5___. In the following years, a special device, called a paraglider, was developed to improve the flights. A paraglider consists of two parts: a canopy, which is the large fabric wing that keeps pilots in the air, ___6___ a special harness, which is the apparatus they sit it. By the 1980s, paragliding had developed into a full-fledged sport. Today, corporations sponsor top pilots as they aim to fly the farthest or perform acrobatic, death-defying ___7___ in mid-air.


(A) around

(B) originated

(C) stunts

(D) steeper

(E) by

(F) feathered

(G) perspective

(H) born

(I) training

(J) and


With a little ___8___, anyone can learn how to paraglide. After learning the basics in a classroom, you’ll start ___9___ leaping from gentle hills until you’re accustomed to the feeling. From there, you can jump from ___10__ cliffs and fly over more adventurous terrain. With paragliding, the sky’s the limit.


(A) around

(B) originated

(C) stunts

(D) steeper

(E) by

(F) feathered

(G) perspective

(H) born

(I) training

(J) and


by Jamie Blackler






dawn [dɔn] n. 开端 a first appearance; a beginning

glide [glaɪd] v. 滑翔

perspective [pɚˋspɛktɪv] n. 看法,观点

notion [ˋnoʃən] n. 概念;想法

try one’s hand at something 尝试着做某件事 to try doing something for the first time

paragliding [ˋpærə͵glaɪdɪŋ]  n. 高崖跳伞运动; 滑翔伞运动

parachutist [ˋpærə͵ʃutɪst] n. 跳伞者;伞兵

trainee [treˋni] n. 受训者

waist [west] n. 腰,腰部

tow [to] v. 拖,拉;牵引

device [dɪˋvaɪs] n. 设备,装置

canopy [ˋkænəpɪ] n.(降落伞的)伞体

harness [ˋhɑrnɪs] n. 降落伞背带

apparatus [͵æpəˋretəs] n. 设备,装置

full-fledged [ˋfʊlˋflɛdʒd] adj. 全面发展的; 经过全面训练的; 成熟的 having reached full development; mature

sponsor [ˋspɑnsɚ] v. 资助,赞助

acrobatic [͵ækrəˋbætɪk] adj. 特技表演人的

defy [dɪˋfaɪ] v. 抗拒

stunt [stʌnt] n. 惊人的表演,绝技;惊险动作

accustomed [əˋkʌstəmd] adj. 对...熟悉的,习惯于...的

terrain [ˋtɛren] n. 地形;地势




Paragliding Ground Handling Practice 23rd May 2010



Paragliding Extreme Glider Control 3!!!










1. ( F )

2. ( G )

3. ( B )

4. ( A )

5. ( H )

6. ( J )

7. ( C )

8. ( I )

9. ( E )

10. ( D )


当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Intermediate English-2 (附英,中文講解) Sports (运动) Soaring Through the Sky 无可取代的飞行快感:飞行伞运动