Underwater Art 驻足海底的雕塑艺术
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年10月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2014年3月31日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:331
When most artists complete a masterpiece, they are eager to put it on display for all the world to see. But after Englishman Jason DeCaires Taylor puts the finishing touches on one of his sculptures, he puts it in a more unusual location. Taylor is making a splash in the art world by exhibiting his best work at the bottom of the sea.
Taylor fell in love with the ocean as a boy, when he spent hours scuba diving and exploring the coral reefs of Malaysia. So it’s no surprise that underwater naturalism and conservation became key themes in his work as an artist. In May 2006, Taylor created the world’s first underwater sculpture park in Grenada. In addition to carving all of the 65 cement sculptures, Taylor also supervised their placement, as cranes lowered them into the Caribbean Sea.
Many of Taylor’s sculptures are of people striking casual poses. He chose humans as his subject because he wants to show that “…. human intervention or interaction with nature can be positive and sustainable.” To ensure that he doesn’t disturb any fish or pollute the ecosystem, Taylor makes his sculptures from sand, micro-silica, and marine-grade cement.
Taylor’s latest project, an underwater museum called MUSA, was completed in 2009 in the waters surrounding Cancun, Mexico. It features 403 life-sized sculptures which are placed to draw visitors away from natural reefs, thereby, aiding their recovery. Although Taylor’s attempt to bring humans and nature closer together is just a drop in the ocean, his work is undeniably making waves.
-by Jamie Blackler
sculpture [ˋskʌlptʃɚ] n. 塑像;雕刻品
location [loˋkeʃən] n. 位置,场所
theme [θim] n. 主题
supervise [ˋsupɚvaɪz] v. 监督;管理
interaction [͵ɪntəˋrækʃən] n. 互动
sustainable [səˋstenəb!] adj. 永续;可持续的
disturb [dɪsˋtɝb] v. 打扰,妨碍
pollute [pəˋlut] v. 污染
More information
naturalism [ˋnætʃərəlɪzəm] n. 自然主义 the goal of artists who attempt to represent a subject without stylization or interpretation, and to create a mirror for natural beauty
conservation [͵kɑnsɚˋveʃən] n. 对自然环境的保护
Grenada [grəˋnedə] n. 格林纳达(拉丁美洲岛国)
cement [sɪˋmɛnt] n. 水泥
crane [kren] n. 吊车,起重机
intervention [͵ɪntɚˋvɛnʃən] n. 介入,干涉,干预;
ecosystem [ˋɛko͵sɪstəm] n. <生>生态系统
silica [ˋsɪlɪkə] n. 硅石,二氧化硅
Cancun [kæn'kun] n. 坎昆(城市名)位于墨西哥
life-sized [ˋlaɪfˋsaɪzd] adj. (= life-size) 与原物一样大小的 being of the same size as an original
undeniably [͵ʌndɪˋnaɪəb!ɪ] adv. 不可否认地,无可辩争地
put the finishing touches on 做最后的程序、调整 add the final improvements to something so that you are satisfied with it or certain that it is complete
make a splash 引起轰动 to get a lot of public attention
strike a pose 摆姿势 to position oneself in a certain posture
a drop in the ocean 数量很少的某物 a very small amount in comparison to the amount that is needed
make waves 造成骚动 to shock or upset people with something new or different
Reading Questions
1. What makes Taylor different from most other sculptors?
(A) He is one of the few artists who love scuba diving.
(B) He chooses to show his work in a unique location.
(C) He is the only artist who handles his own marketing.
(D) He creates his work using many unusual techniques.
2. Which of the following statements about Taylor’s work is NOT true?
(A) Taylor first became interested in the sea as a child.
(B) Many of his sculptures are of people doing ordinary things.
(C) Taylor makes his sculptures using environmentally-friendly materials.
(D) Taylor created the first underwater museum in Cancun, Mexico.
3. What does the last sentence in the final paragraph suggest?
(A) Taylor will be more influential in the future.
(B) Taylor’s work has been copied many times.
(C) Taylor’s work is best appreciated from above the ocean.
(D) Taylor’s career has already reached its peak.
Human Nature by Jason deCaires Taylor Official Channel
Cancun MUSA Underwater Museum
1. ( B ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( A ) |