Pandora’s Box 打开潘多拉的盒子
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2008年12月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年2月11日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:319
According to Greek myth, a Titan named Prometheus brought fire to mankind, an act that brought man much power. Zeus, the king of the gods, decided to hit back. He wanted to ___1___ men into accepting a gift, a menacing present that would bring them misery. Fearful of his rage, men would accept ___2___ from him, however, so Zeus devised a subtle plan.
(A) granted |
(B) fool |
(C) not |
(D) reverse |
(E) sorrowful |
(F) ultimately |
(G) shortly |
(H) nothing |
(I) unfortunate |
(J) hope |
Zeus created the first woman, Pandora, and ___3___ her many unique characteristics. He also gave her a special box, but warned her ___4___ to open it. Pandora hid the box ___5___ after her marriage to Epimetheus, the brother of Prometheus. But one of her ___6___ characteristics was curiosity. She tried to resist temptation, but when she ___7___ gave in and opened the box, she realized too late that she had made a terrible mistake. For inside, Zeus had placed all that made men ___8___. Zeus didn’t want men to live all their lives in despair, however, so he added ___9___ to the box. Then, no matter how difficult their lives became, men would remain hopeful.
(A) granted |
(B) fool |
(C) not |
(D) reverse |
(E) sorrowful |
(F) ultimately |
(G) shortly |
(H) nothing |
(I) unfortunate |
(J) hope |
Today, to say that you’ve “opened a Pandora’s box” means that you’ve begun a process that will have a bad outcome. And once it is done, you cannot ___10__ the effects, just as mankind was unable to put all the evil back into Pandora’s box.
(A) granted |
(B) fool |
(C) not |
(D) reverse |
(E) sorrowful |
(F) ultimately |
(G) shortly |
(H) nothing |
(I) unfortunate |
(J) hope |
−by Seraphim Davidson
rage [redʒ] n.(一阵)狂怒,盛怒
devise [dɪˋvaɪz] v. 设计;发明
temptation [tɛmpˋteʃən] n. 诱惑
despair [dɪˋspɛr] n. 绝望
outcome [ˋaʊt͵kʌm] n. 结果;结局
More Information
Titan [ˋtaɪtn] n.【希神】泰坦
Prometheus [prəˋmiθjəs] n.【希神】普罗米修斯
Zeus [zjus] n.【希神】宙斯(希腊神话中的主神)
menacing [ˋmɛnɪsɪŋ] adj. 险恶的
subtle [ˋsʌt!] adj. 狡猾的;精明的
Pandora [pænˋdorə] n.【希神】潘多拉(第一个来到人间的女人)
Epimetheus [͵ɛpə'miθiəs] n. 泰坦巨神厄庇米修斯
give in 投降, 屈服 abandon, surrender
grant [grænt] v. 给予,授予
sorrowful [ˋsɑrəfəl] adj. 悲伤的,伤心的
Myth of Pandora's Box
1. ( B ) |
2. ( H ) |
3. ( A ) |
4. ( C ) |
5. ( G ) |
6. ( I ) |
7. ( F ) |
8. ( E ) |
9. ( J ) |
10. ( D ) |