Dubai: Boom and Bust in the Desert 杜拜:沙漠奇迹,幻灭神话?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年3月09日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年8月31日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:386
Who said that nothing can grow in the desert? Out of the windswept sand dunes of the Arabian Peninsula, a modern economic miracle has sprouted – Dubai.
Dubai is a city-state located in the Persian Gulf which, despite being only one-ninth of the size of Taiwan, has boasted an economy worth billions of U.S. dollars. Unlike many of the rich states around it, Dubai’s wealth is not dependent on huge reserves of oil. In fact, oil accounts for merely 6% of its total GDP. Driven by its ambitious ruler Sheikh Mohammed, Dubai has built itself up as a service- and tourism-oriented economy, investing massively in spectacular construction projects.
Back in the mid-1990s, Dubai was just a small trading port. But then the amazing transformation began. Between 1995 and 2005, its economy grew by 230% as it remodeled itself as an international financial hub and tourist destination. The establishment of the Dubai International Financial Center in 2004 was a sign of Dubai’s intention to rival the world’s financial capitals: New York, London, and Hong Kong.
For the most visible demonstration of Dubai’s ambition, you need only look upward – 818 meters upward, to be precise. The Burj Khalifa, formerly known as Burj Dubai, is the world’s tallest building, having just taken the crown from Taipei 101. Chief among Dubai’s other tourist draws are the world’s only seven-star hotel, the sail-shaped Burj Al Arab, and the Palm Jumeriah, an island resort built to resemble a giant palm tree. After all, if a city can grow from the desert, why can’t palm tree emerge from the sea?
想见识杜拜雄心壮志的最佳例证,你只要抬头往上看即可,精确地说是往上818公尺。哈里发塔(原名为杜拜塔)是世界上最高的建筑物,最近才刚从台北101手中接下这份殊荣。杜拜其他主要的观光景点包括世界上唯一的七星级饭店Burj Al Arab帆船饭店,还有整座特地建成巨型棕榈树形状的度假胜地朱美拉岛。毕竟,如果沙漠中都可以出现这么一个欣欣向荣的城市,那么为什么海面上不能长出棕榈树呢?
boom [bum] n.(商业等的)繁荣
reserve [rɪˋzɝv] n. 储藏量
merely [ˋmɪrlɪ] adv. 仅仅,不过
ambitious [æmˋbɪʃəs] adj. 有雄心的;野心勃勃的
invest [ɪnˋvɛst] v. 投(资)
massively [ˋmæsɪvlɪ] adv. 大大地;大量地
transformation [͵trænsfɚˋmeʃən] n. 转变
financial [faɪˋnænʃəl] adj. 财政的;金融的
establishment [ɪsˋtæblɪʃmənt] n. 建立;设立
intention [ɪnˋtɛnʃən] n. 意图,意向,目的
rival [ˋraɪv!] v. 与……竞争
demonstration [͵dɛmənˋstreʃən] n. 证明
resort [rɪˋzɔrt] n. 常去的休闲度假之处;名胜
resemble [rɪˋzɛmb!] v. 像,类似
More Information
boom and bust 大繁荣后紧接着发生严重的不景气; 景气循环
windswept [ˋwɪnd͵swɛpt] adj. 被风吹扫的;暴露在风中的;迎风的
dune [djun] n.(风吹积成的)沙丘
peninsula [pəˋnɪnsələ] n. 半岛
sprout [spraʊt] v. 发芽; 〔树叶或新芽〕开始长出来
gulf [gʌlf] n. 海湾
account for(在数量、比例上)占 to form the total of an amount of something
oriented [ˋɑrɪɛntɪd] adj. 以……为方向的,以……为目的的
remodel [riˋmɑd!] v. 重新塑造; 改制;改建
They say that all good things must come to an end. In the case of Dubai’s economic miracle, there are signs that the end could already be drawing near.
When a worldwide economic crisis, almost unprecedented in scale, began to sweep across the world in late 2008, Dubai was not spared its ill effects.Previously confident foreign investor started to get cold feet and pull out of deals, resulting in the suspension of construction projects. Then, in November 2009, Dubai’s faltering economy became headline news everywhere when the state-owned Dubai World asked its creditor bank for a six-month delay on loan repayments, totaling US$60 billion. As evidence of the delicate and interconnected nature of financial markets, stocks and currency values across the world plunged at the news.
For many observers, Dubai’s fall from grace has been no great surprise. Dubai’s economy has been labeled a “bubble,” referring to its unsustainable rate of growth which is destined to eventually burst. The impatient Sheikh Mohammed chose to take the shortcut to success by borrowing huge amounts of money to get projects off the ground. Now, with many of these high-profile projects struggling and the state stuck with massive debts, this gamble appears to have backfired.
It is too early to write Dubai’s obituary just yet. However, if this fairy tale is to have a happy ending, then short-term, get-rich-quick thinking will need to be ditched in favor of a more long-term, sustainable approach. The challenge now for Dubai is to prove to the world that its economy is built on something more solid than sand.
−by David Vickers
crisis [ˋkraɪsɪs] n. 危机
unprecedented [ʌnˋprɛsə͵dɛntɪd] adj. 无先例的,空前的
spare [spɛr] v. 使免遭;免去;解除
previously [ˋpriviəslɪ] adv. 事先;以前
get cold feet【口】临阵退缩或胆怯 to suddenly become too frightened to do something you had planned to do, especially something important like getting married
faltering [`fɔltərɪŋ] adj. 踌躇的; 犹豫的; 摇晃的
headline [ˋhɛd͵laɪn] n.(报纸等的)标题;大标题
loan [lon] n. 贷款
plunge [plʌndʒ] v. 暴跌,骤降
shortcut [ˋʃɔrt͵kʌt] n. 快捷方式
get something off the ground 起飞;顺利开始 to get something started
ditch [dɪtʃ] v.【俚】抛弃,丢弃 to get rid of; discard
approach [əˋprotʃ] n. 方法,门径
solid [ˋsɑlɪd] adj. 牢靠的,稳固的
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draw near 接近,靠近 approach
ill effect 恶果 if something has ill effects, it causes problems or damage
pull out of 退出,取消 withdraw
suspension [səˋspɛnʃən] n. 暂停;中止
creditor bank 债权银行
delicate [ˋdɛləkət] adj. 脆弱的
interconnect [͵ɪntɚkəˋnɛkt] v. 使互相连接;使互相联系
fall from grace 失宠; 失去天恩;失落的荣耀
destined [ˋdɛstɪnd] adj. 命中注定的
high-profile 高姿态的;立场明确的;倍受瞩目的
backfire [ˋbækˋfaɪr] v. 产生和预期情况完全相反的结果;事与愿违
obituary [əˋbɪtʃʊ͵ɛrɪ] n. 讣告﹐讣闻﹐讣文
get-rich-quick [ˋgɛtˋrɪtʃˋkwɪk] adj. 想发横财的 to make a lot of money in a short time
in favor of 支持……;有利于…… because one prefer something
Reading Questions
1. Which of the following is NOT true of Dubai?
A. It is wealthy mostly because of its supply of oil.
B. Its ruler is determined to achieve many goals.
C. In the mid-1990s, Dubai couldn’t compete with London and Hong Kong.
D. The Burj Khalifa is a symbol of Dubai’s growth and competitiveness.
2. What is the economy of Dubai based on?
A. Exporting large amounts of natural resources.
B. Selling luxury goods to the wealthy elite.
C. Sending laborers abroad.
D. The service and tourism industries.
3. What happened to Dubai during the global financial crisis?
A. It was slightly affected, but investment remained the same.
B. Its economy suffered, just as many did around the world.
C. It went about business as usual, unaware of what was happening.
D. Against all odds, its economy actually improved.
4. What does the article imply about Dubai?
A. The industries based in Dubai are all doomed to fail.
B. Dubai undoubtedly has the strongest economy in the world.
C. A change in attitude is needed to ensure Dubai’s future success.
D. Those in charge of Dubai should stay on their present course.
against all odds 尽管极为不利或遭强烈反对 despite very low probability; in a most unlikely way
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1. ( A ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( B ) |
4. ( C ) |