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Catch a Pod ….. to the Future! 无限大工程:个人运输荚舱








Nowadays, almost everything is accessible instantly, with the click of a mouse or flick of a switch. But imagine a self-driving vehicle that takes you, and you alone, wherever you want to go at the push of a button. Does it sound futuristic? Then the future is almost here. Discovery Channel’s Mega Engineering provides a glimpse into this rapidly approaching hi-tech world.



Washington, D.C. is the most congested city in the U.S. During rush hour, a million cars battle through downtown, causing miles of time-wasting, fuel-wasting traffic jams. The centuries-old city design was conceived with elegance, not practical use, in mind: and doubtless the architects could not have foreseen the automobiles that swamp D.C. today. These long-standing problems are repeated in cities the world over. Washington’s government has proposed a solution: Personal Rapid Transit.



Calling for a “radical departure” from cars in densely populated cities, PRT is a system of space-age pods that run autonomously, nonstop, directly to your destination. The automated pods use solar or wind energy and are built from lightweight plastic. The PRT is faster, cheaper, and more convenient than mass transit, and many times safer than driving a car.



Currently, the only example of a functioning personal pod network in the world is also in Washington, connecting the three campuses of West Virginia University. Passengers simply swipe an ID card to board their waiting pod, select their destination, and they’re off! With 70 million rides and not a single death under its belt, surely this kind of transit service deserves serious consideration in cities worldwide. The Washington proposal will be 250 times larger than its university prototype, with 1,000 miles of guideway connecting every part of the capital.








accessible [ækˋsɛsəb!] adj. 可(或易)接近的

vehicle [ˋviɪk!] n.【尤正式】运载工具; 车辆

approaching [əˋprotʃɪŋ] adj. 逼近的,接近的

congested [kənˋdʒɛstɪd] adj. 交通拥挤的﹐车辆阻塞的; 拥塞的

conceive [kənˋsiv] v. 构想出,想象,设想

elegance [ˋɛləgəns] n.(举止、服饰、风格等的)优雅

doubtless [ˋdaʊtlɪs] adj. 无疑的;肯定的

foresee [forˋsi] v. 预见;预知

swamp [swɑmp] v.〔骤然〕淹没﹐浸没

call for 要求, 需要

radical [ˋrædɪk!] adj. 根本的;彻底的

campus [ˋkæmpəs] n. 校园,校区

deserve [dɪˋzɝv] v. 应受,该得

proposal [prəˋpoz!] n. 建议; 提议;计划

capital [ˋkæpət!] n. 首都



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flick [flɪk] n.(手指的)轻弹

futuristic [͵fjutʃɚˋɪstɪk] adj. 未来的

departure [dɪˋpɑrtʃɚ] n. 背离,违背,变更

radical departure 重大转变 a big change

space-age【非正式】太空时代的﹐ 非常现代化的

autonomously [ɔˋtɑnəməslɪ] adv. 自治地;独立自主地

pod [pɑd] n.(宇宙飞船的)分离舱

lightweight [ˋlaɪtˋwet] adj. 轻量级的

mass transit 大众运输

function [ˋfʌŋkʃən] v.(机器等)工作,运行

under one’s belt 在以往的经历中  as part of one's experience

prototype [ˋprotə͵taɪp] n.〔新型汽车﹑机器等的〕原型; 雏型

guideway 导沟, 导向槽 a channel or track for controlling the line of motion of something








Before construction gets underway in D.C., designers may turn to London’s Heathrow Airport, where a similar state-of-the-art mode of transportation is in the works. The ULTra is a fleet of small pods that will ferry travelers between their cars and the airport terminal. It may seem contradictory, but these individual pods are, in fact, more efficient than a train or bus service because they make no intermediate stops and take the shortest possible route to the destination. As transport experts everywhere fix their eyes on Heathrow, the immediate future of the pod car industry could well depend on the success of this airport project.



Nevertheless, the Washington PRT would be of far larger scale and complexity. A powerful, central computer would be required to oversee the PRT in its entirety. At the same time, to ensure unquestionable safety standards, every single pod car would need to be equipped with its own technology, allowing it to “think” independently.



The model for this actually comes from Kiva robots, which are capable of mapping paths to collect objects in a warehouse. These revolutionary robots function on a two-fold technology. A central server issues orders to individual robots and monitors their movements, and independent computers in each robot take charge of picking the specific route, maneuvering, and avoiding obstacles. The personal transportation network would work on this premise.



This pioneering project could have considerable effects, and the advantages of pod travel could be tremendous. With automobiles obsolete, the environment would certainly benefit. And, on a personal level, in our personal pods, we’d be traveling more safely and more quickly. Your destination would be the push of a button away, and the world could change forever.



by Alice Davis






construction [kənˋstrʌkʃən] n. 建设

get underway 开始

mode [mod] n. 模式

contradictory [͵kɑntrəˋdɪktərɪ] adj. 矛盾的

intermediate [͵ɪntɚˋmidɪət] adj. 中间的

nevertheless [͵nɛvɚðəˋlɛs] adv. 尽管如此

complexity [kəmˋplɛksətɪ] n. 复杂性

oversee [ˋovɚˋsi] v. 监视;监督

warehouse [ˋwɛr͵haʊs] n. 仓库

issue [ˋɪʃjʊ] n. 问题;争论;争议

monitor [ˋmɑnətɚ] v. 监控

take charge of 管理; 负责 to take (over) control of someone or something

obstacle [ˋɑbstək!] n. 障碍(物)

considerable [kənˋsɪdərəb!] adj. 相当大的

tremendous [trɪˋmɛndəs] adj. 巨大的,极大的


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Heathrow Airport(英国伦敦的)希思罗机场

in the works 正在进行, 正在准备

ferry [ˋfɛrɪ] v. 运送; 用渡船运送

could well 很可能 used as an auxiliary to indicate a possibility

be of 固有; 导致 belong to; have

entirety [ɪnˋtaɪrtɪ] n.【正式】整体﹐全部

unquestionable [ʌnˋkwɛstʃənəb!] adj. 无可置疑的; 确实的

maneuver [məˋnuvɚ] v. 巧妙地操纵(或处理); 实施调动

premise [ˋprɛmɪs] n. 假设;前提

obsolete [ˋɑbsə͵lit] adj. 过时的



Reading Questions


1. How is the PRT system best described?

A. It is a pod system that gives its users complete control.

B. It is a new way to travel that is more expensive than mass transit.

C. It is a space-age technology that is powered by gasoline.

D. It is an efficient transportation system built mainly from plastic.


2. Which of the following statements about Washington, D.C. is true?

A. The city was originally designed to look nice.

B. The number of cars in D.C. has decreased in recent years.

C. The current highway system helps to conserve fuel.

D. Traffic jams are a relatively new problem for D.C.


3. Why is the ULTra pod system faster than trains or buses?

A. It has the ability to travel at much higher speeds.

B. It runs more frequently than trains or buses do.

C. It is more fuel efficient and caused less pollution.

D. It doesn’t make any stops on the way to its destination.


4. What is the overall tone of this article?

A. Cautious.

B. Optimistic.

C. Cynical.

D. Regretful.


personal rapid transit (PRT) synchrotrain (en)


Personal Rapid Transit and Masdar City PRT


Personal Rapid Transit at WVU


PRT Heathrow


ULTra PRT sustainable transit


more videos: 

Warehouse Robots at Work

A Day in the Life of a Kiva Robot





1. ( D )

2. ( A )

3. ( D )

4. ( B )



当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Intermediate English-2 (附英,中文講解) Discovery (探索频道) Catch a Pod ….. to the Future! 无限大工程:个人运输荚舱