Fight Quest: A World of Combat 格斗全天下
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年8月18日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年10月01日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:412
With veins throbbing in his forehead and his eyeballs almost popping out of his skull, a psychotic-looking Frenchman shouts at a fighter. Elsewhere, another fighter is put through his paces high in the mountains above Mexico City. The two fighters in question are Jimmy Smith, a math teacher turned mixed martial arts competitor, and Iraq War veteran Doug Anderson. On their Discovery Channel show, Fight Quest, they travel the world, learning different combat styles before putting their skills to the test in competitive fights.
In episode five, Jimmy and Doug head to Marseille, France to learn a local form of kickboxing called Savate. Initially, they don’t expect too much from a fighting style invented in France, a country better known for its pastries than its punches. However, after watching a couple of Savateurs brutally attack each other with characteristic powerful, accurate kicks, they quickly change their minds. As they head off for five days’ intensive Savate training, they know they have a tough task ahead of them.
Doug is taken to a sweaty gym, where he gets straight to work, fighting 13 guys in succession. It’s not an easy task, but it helps him improve his skills and work on the head kicks that are so important in Savate. For Jimmy, the real training begins when he’s introduced to legendary Savateur Frank May. Frank is passionate about the sport, and it’s a passion that he tries to pass on to Jimmy by kicking and punching him as hard as he possibly can.
The two men receive very different forms of training, but will either of them be ready for their big fight?
quest [kwɛst] n. 追求;探索
combat [ˋkɑmbæt] n. 战斗,格斗
throb [θrɑb] v.(心脏,脉搏等)跳动
in question 正在谈论的(问题等) under consideration or discussion
martial [ˋmɑrʃəl] adj. 战争的;军事的
veteran [ˋvɛtərən] n. 老兵;老手
put something to the test 考验; 对...的真实性加以检验 to find out how good something is
brutally [ˋbrut!ɪ] adv. 残忍地,野蛮地
characteristic [͵kærəktəˋrɪstɪk] adj. 特有的,独特的;典型的
accurate [ˋækjərɪt] adj. 准确的;精确的
intensive [ɪnˋtɛnsɪv] adj. 加强的; 集中的
in succession [səkˋsɛʃən] 连续地
pass on 传递 transmit (knowledge or skills)
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skull [skʌl] n. 头颅骨﹐头骨
psychotic [saɪˋkɑtɪk] adj. 精神病的; 精神失常的
put through one’s paces 考验(或试验)...的能力(或质量) to test the ability or skill of a person or system
kickboxing [ˋkɪk͵bɑksɪŋ] n.【体】跆拳道
savate [sæˋvæt] n.【法】法国式拳击
pastry [ˋpestrɪ] n. 酥皮点心
punch [pʌntʃ] n. 拳打
head off 动身去…… to go in some direction
passionate [ˋpæʃənɪt] adj. 热情的
Episode seven of Fight Quest takes us to Mexico City, where Jimmy Smith and Doug Anderson hope to come to grips with boxing. As they walk through the city’s street, they feel sure they’ve come to the right place to learn. After all, there’s a boxing gym on every corner, and posters advertising fights can be seen everywhere.
Jimmy and Doug have both boxed before, but now, they have to learn the Mexican way, and that means using speed and aggression. Mexican fighters are known for hitting hard, fast, and often. It’s an intense style of fighting, and one that they’ll have to adapt to pretty quickly because it won’t be long before they’re thrown in the ring with a couple of top Mexican boxers.
Doug is driven up into the mountains to train at a gym situated next to a complex of ancient-looking temples. The altitude makes it difficult for him to train, but he hopes his surroundings will give him the “Aztec warrior mentality” he will need to win his fight. While Doug’s in the mountains, Jimmy stays in the city to work with renowned boxing coach Nacho Beristain. Jimmy is honored to be training with such a well-respected figure, and when fight night arrives, he feels confident. Whether that’s enough to bring him the victory is another matter.
Fight Quest takes us to 13 different countries and introduces us to some of the world’s deadliest fighting styles. We see men get beaten, bloodied, and bruised, but we also witness how such a tough and challenging quest can help bring people together.
−by Andrew Crosthwaite
advertise [ˋædvɚ͵taɪz] v. 为……做广告;为……宣传
aggression [əˋgrɛʃən] n. 挑衅; 侵犯; 侵略
adapt to 适应于
situate [ˋsɪtʃʊ͵et] v. 使位于
surroundings [səˋraʊndɪŋz] n. 环境; 周围的事物
warrior [ˋwɔrɪɚ] n. 战士,勇士
mentality [mɛnˋtælətɪ] n. 心理状态,心性
renowned [rɪˋnaʊnd] adj. 有名的;有声誉的
honored [ˋɑnɚd] adj. 荣幸的 proud that you have been given special respect or a special opportunity
confident [ˋkɑnfədənt] adj. 有信心的,自信的
deadly [ˋdɛdlɪ] adj. 致命的
challenging [`tʃælɪndʒɪŋ] adj. 具有挑战性的
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come to grips with【喻】开始应付(难题、挑战等) to make an effort to understand and deal with a problem or situation
often [ˋɔfən] adv. 经常﹐时常﹐多次 repeated; frequent
ring [rɪŋ] n. 拳击场
complex [ˋkɑmplɛks] n. 综合楼羣〔由众多大楼或一座主楼和诸多辅楼组成〕
Aztec [ˋæztɛk] adj. 阿芝特克人(语)的
well-respected 受人尊敬;受尊敬的 held in high respect; esteemed
bloody [ˋblʌdɪ] v. 使〔某人〕受伤(流血)
bruise [bruz] v. 使受瘀伤
Reading Questions
1. According to the article, why don’t Jimmy and Doug expect much from Savate?
A. France is not known for combat sports.
B. This style was only created within the past few years.
C. They have already been through much tougher training.
D. They have heard that the instructor does not fight very well.
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Fight Quest?
A. It takes place in several different locations around the world.
B. One of the hosts of the show used to be a math teacher.
C. It requires fighters to train in styles they have never learned before.
D. Frank May is known for taking it easy on his opponents.
3. What is Fight Quest mainly focused on?
A. Determining the most effective fighting style.
B. Following two fighters who want to become teachers.
C. Showing audiences different combat methods from around the world.
D. Introducing viewers to ways they can support fighting sports.
4. What would be another suitable title for this article?
A. Fighting for Your Life
B. The Warriors’ Journey
C. The Quest for Redemption
D. The Road to the Big Fight
redemption [rɪˋdɛmpʃən] n.〔基督教指耶稣的〕救赎﹐赎罪
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1. ( A ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( B ) |