Mixer: A Show For The Senses 《跨界新食尚》
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年4月20日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月18日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:322
For food and drink lovers, mealtimes are an opportunity to sit down and enjoy a variety of flavors and textures. Every bite or sip can potentially be a little slice of heaven. But with so many new tastes constantly emerging, keeping up with the latest culinary news was a difficult task – until now. Discovery’s new show Mixer takes a look at some unusual gastronomical trends from around the world.
In modern society, pills are often prescribed to deal with diseases. But one Spanish company is selling candy pills that can cheer you up when you’re blue. They claim their candy, which is packaged in little pillboxes, can improve your mood. The shop, which resembles a pharmacy, is completely self-service. Customers can mix and match their favorite sweet-tasting pills and create their own remedies.
But the question is, do they really work? The store’s owner claims that the pills can improve people’s moods because sugar often has a beneficial effect on our brains. In some cases, it may even assist us in getting over bad moods. In one instance, a customer purchased some pills for a terminally ill friend. After trying the treats, the friend claimed the pills had an uplifting effect on him. Although they may be little more than placebos, these happy pills seem to bring a little extra joy into people’s lives.
mealtime [ˋmil͵taɪm] n. 进餐时间
texture [ˋtɛkstʃɚ] n. 口感﹐质地
culinary [ˋkjulɪ͵nɛrɪ] adj. 烹飪的;廚房的
gastronomical [͵gæstrəˋnɑmɪk!] adj. 美食[烹饪] 学的
pillbox [ˋpɪl͵bɑks] n. 药盒
pharmacy [ˋfɑrməsɪ] n. 药房
remedy [ˋrɛmədɪ] n. 治疗;治疗法
terminally [ˋtɝmɪnəlɪ] adv. 处于末期症状上,在晚期
uplifting [ʌpˋlɪftɪŋ] adj. 令人振奋的;使人开心的
placebo [pləˋsibo] n. 安慰剂
More Information
keep up with something 和...保持联系 to stay level or equal with something:
cheer somebody up (使某人)更高兴或更快活, 高兴起来 cause (somebody) to feel happier or more cheerful
get over 克服 to recover from
little more than 只有...而已,和...一样 almost the same as
New York City is famous for having some of the best street food in the world. Vendors there have been hawking pretzels, pizza, hot dogs, and other fast foods for over 100 years. But in the modern age, people are clamoring for something new to tantalize their taste buds. And recently, a group of eager entrepreneurs have hit the road to satisfy the public’s needs.
These days, dessert trucks are all the rage in the city. Usually, these trucks specialize in just one or two high-quality snacks. And one by one, New Yorkers are lining up on streets to try them all out. In addition to providing pleasure to people with a sweet tooth, these portable food stands also present an opportunity for clever entrepreneurs.
For eleven years, Thomas Deegest worked for large American companies – then he decided he needed a change. So, he left his cushy corporate job to drive a dessert truck that sells Belgian waffles. Deegest started his new business because he wanted to make people happy while still earning a good income and since real estate in the city is extremely expensive, a dessert truck provided a low-cost solution. Although most Belgians prefer to use toppings sparingly, Deegest decided to kick things up a notch for big-city life. His waffles come topped with strawberries, whipped cream, and chocolate to please his American customers. To learn more about what’s in vogue in the world f taste, tune into Mixer and open your senses to something new.
-by Jamie Blackler
hawk [hɔk] v. 叫卖;兜售 to peddle goods aggressively, especially by calling out
pretzel [ˋprɛts!] n. 椒盐脆饼
clamor [ˋklæmɚ] v. 大声疾呼,吵闹着要求
tantalize [ˋtænt!͵aɪz] v. 逗惹
eager [ˋigɚ] adj. 渴望的,急切的
entrepreneur [͵ɑntrəprəˋnɝ] n. 企业家
specialize [ˋspɛʃəl͵aɪz] v. 专攻;专门从事[(+in)]
portable [ˋportəb!] adj. 轻便的
cushy [ˋkʊʃɪ] adj. 轻松的﹐容易的
waffle [ˋwɑf!] n. 奶蛋格子饼
Belgian [ˋbɛldʒən] n. 比利時人
topping [ˋtɑpɪŋ] n.〔加在食品上面使之更好看或更好吃的〕配料﹐浇头; a sauce, frosting, or garnish for food
sparingly [ˋspɛrɪŋlɪ] adv. 节约地;吝惜地
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hit the road 上路; 出发 to depart; to begin one's journey, especially on a road trip; to leave for home
all the rage 风行一时 in current fashion; being a current fad
sweet tooth 嗜食甜品者 a strong liking for sweet foods
real estate 房地产﹐ 不动产 land, including all the natural resources and permanent buildings on it
kick things up a notch 把...等级提升 to increase the intensity of something.
in vogue 正在流行 in the current fashion or style
Reading Questions
1. Which of the following people would most enjoy the show Mixer?
(A) A truck driver who wants to move to New York City.
(B) A doctor who is researching a cure for depression.
(C) A nurse who is trying to improve her patients’ moods.
(D) A food critic who is looking for new items to review.
2. What can we conclude about the candy pills sold in Spain?
(A) There isn’t much medical evidence that suggests they work.
(B) They would likely be illegal in most other nations.
(C) The owner would sell more pills if she changed the packaging.
(D) Most of the pills are healthy and should be eaten every day.
3. What is the main reason people are opening dessert trucks instead of restaurants?
(A) Millions of people in the U.S. are trying to clean up their diets.
(B) They are able to take advantage of the warm weather in New York.
(C) The owners are searching for new ways to make people happy.
(D) The trucks cost much less than renting a building each month.
4. Which of the following topics might be featured on a future episode?
(A) A story about the top-selling fast food restaurant chains.
(B) A new medicine that reportedly heals people with cancer.
(C) Unique cocktails that are made at a nightclub in Paris.
(D) A popular new business idea in the financial sector.
Thomas Degeest "The Waffel Guy"
Chef Thomas Degeest Waffles Part 1
Chef Thomas Degeest Waffles Part 2
1. ( D ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( C ) |