Brown’s Best of Asia: Samantha Brown’s Asia 《珊曼莎畅游亚洲》
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年9月21日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2014年2月22日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:315
If there’s anyone on the planet who knows travel, it’s Samantha Brown. For the past decade, she’s spent an average of 230 days per year on the road as a travel show host. She’s offered lots of insight into what people should see and do when visiting North America, Europe, and Latin America. And now, on Samantha Brown’s Asia, she’s offering plenty of helpful hints to anyone planning to visit the Orient.
Her first stop is Vietnam. Like many Americans, Brown had a lot of preconceptions about the country, as she grew up in the shadows of the Vietnam War. In search of a unique experience, she decided to live with a tribal family in rural Vietnam. From the get-go, Sam learns that their customs are much different from Western ones. For instance, her guide explains that kissing is taboo in this culture – even between husbands and wives.
After settling in, Brown makes herself useful by helping in the rice paddies. She has a lot of trouble getting the water buffalo to plow, and she even loses a boot in the thick mud. But her difficulties are all forgotten at dinner time, when Brown, wearing traditional attire, joins the family for a feast. It begins with a celebratory rice wine the locals call ‘happy juice.’ Next, everyone enjoys a meal featuring spring rolls, pork, vegetables and sticky rice pancakes. While eating dinner with the family, Brown is grateful to see a side of Vietnam that few outsiders ever experience.
珊曼莎在当地安顿下来后,为了让自己派上用场便下田帮忙。她在让水牛犁田时遇到很大的困难,甚至在黏稠的烂泥中遗失了一只靴子。但当布朗穿着传统服饰参与这个家庭的盛宴晚餐时,她把那些狼狈的经历都抛诸脑后。这场盛宴以当地人称”happy juice”的庆祝用米酒展开序幕。接着,每个人都享用了春卷、猪肉、蔬菜和糯米煎饼。在与该家庭享用晚餐时,对于能够有机会体验到只有极少数外来者能够经历的越南文化,珊曼莎心中充满感激。
hint [hɪnt] n. 建议,指点 a suggestion or implication given in an indirect or subtle manner
preconception [͵prikənˋsɛpʃən] n. 成见 an opinion or conception formed in advance of adequate knowledge or experience, especially a prejudice or bias
rural [ˋrʊrəl] adj. 农村的
get-go [ˋgɛtgo] n.【美】【口】开端,开始
taboo [təˋbu] n. 禁忌
rice paddy 稻田
paddy [ˋpædɪ] n. 稻田
plow [plaʊ] v. 犁,耕
attire [əˋtaɪr] n. 服装
celebratory [ˋsɛləbre͵torɪ] adj. 为了庆祝的
sticky rice pancake 糯米饼
pancake [ˋpæn͵kek] n. 松饼,薄煎饼,薄烤饼
grateful [ˋgretfəl] adj. 感激的
outsider [ˋaʊtˋsaɪdɚ] n. 门外汉
insight into something 对...深入的了解; 洞察力
in the shadow of 在.....的阴影下 influenced by something bad that has happened or could happen
from the get-go 一开始的时候 from the beginning
settle in 安顿下来 to become accustomed to one's new surroundings; to get used to living in a place or a new dwelling
On her next journey, Samantha heads to Hong Kong, one of the most dynamic cities in the world. Although 95% of the population is Chinese, English is the official language, a reminder that the city was once a British colony. With such a multicultural background, Hong Kong has often been called the city where East meets West.
Brown begins her journey by crossing Victoria Harbor on the famous Star Ferry. Along the way, she takes in the towering skyscrapers and even larger mountains rising in the background. When she reaches land, Brown decides to hit the shops. From luxury brands to bargains at open markets, you can find almost anything imaginable in Hong Kong. But if you’re in the market for some new clothes, there’s no need to purchase anything off the rack, as an army of gifted tailors are available to create a custom outfit just for you. One shop called Sam’s Tailor will even have your order ready in under 24 hours.
珊曼莎以搭乘知名的天星小轮横越维多利亚海港展开旅程。她沿途欣赏港边高耸的摩天大楼以及背景中比摩天大楼更高大的群山风景。上岸后,珊曼莎决定去购物。从高档品牌到露天市场里的廉价品,在香港你几乎可以找到任何想象得到的东西。但如果你想要买些新衣服,你没有必要买成衣,因为有一群有天赋的裁缝师可特地为你制作一整套订作的服装。一间名为Sam’s Tailor的商店甚至可在24小时内完成你的订单。
Having had her fill of shopping, Brown samples a delectable dish of bamboo-pressed noodles. The cook, Mr. Lao, is one of only three people left in Hong Kong keeping this tradition alive. Then, to cap off her evening, Brown heads to the Temple Street Night Market to enjoy some Cantonese opera singing and have her fortune told. To get the latest news on Brown’s adventures, be sure to watch Samantha Brown’s Asia on Discovery.
-by Jamie Blackler
dynamic [daɪˋnæmɪk] adj. 有活力的
reminder [rɪˋmaɪndɚ] n. 提醒物,令人回忆的东西
multicultural [͵mʌltɪˋkʌltʃərəl] adj. 多种文化的
skyscraper [ˋskaɪ͵skrepɚ] n. 摩天楼
hit [hɪt] v. 到达 reach a destination
luxury [ˋlʌkʃərɪ] n.奢华; adj. 奢华的
bargain [ˋbɑrgən] n. 特价商品
outfit [ˋaʊt͵fɪt] n.(尤指在特殊场合穿的)全套服装
delectable [dɪˋlɛktəb!] adj. 好吃的
take in 欣赏某事 to look at thoroughly; view
off the rack [ræk] 现成的 ready-made
have had your fill of something 满足于... if you have had your fill of something, you are satisfied with something
cap off 完成,结束 finish or complete, as with some decisive action
have one's fortune told 算命
Reading Questions
1. According to the passage, what is the reason that Brown is a travel expert?
(A) She has been traveling around for years.
(B) Her family moved around a lot when she was a child.
(C) Most of the time she is reading about life on the road.
(D) She has been living in Asia for a number of years.
2. Which of the following statements about Brown’s trip to Vietnam is NOT true?
(A) Brown enjoys a variety of foods when she has dinner with her host family.
(B) Brown is grateful that she is able to see Vietnam from a different perspective.
(C) Brown has a tough time helping the family gather some food.
(D) Brown finds that most of the customs there are similar to her own.
3. According to the passage, which of the following best describes Hong Kong?
(A) It’s a traditional city that is slow to adapt to change.
(B) It offers the best of Chinese culture despite being a British city.
(C) Outside of shopping, there isn’t much to experience there.
(D) It’s a city that mixes the several different cultures together.
4. What would be another good title for this article?
(A) Traveling the World with Sam Brown
(B) How to See Hong Kong on a Budget
(C) Sam Brown’s Guide to the Orient
(D) The Latest News from Sam Brown
Samantha Brown's Asia: Bun Cha in Vietnam
Samantha Brown Hong Kong Macau in HD
1. ( A ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( C ) |