The Race to Make Great Art: Work of Art: The Next Great Artist 《艺术新秀生死斗》
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年11月28日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2014年7月23日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:285
TLC’s new reality show, Work of Art, follows 14 unknown artists as they compete to win their own art show at the Brooklyn Museum and a cash prize of US$100,000.
It’s a tough world out there for artists, as even some of the greatest painters, and photographers of all time lived their entire lives in poverty and obscurity. Only after their deaths did their work gain critical acclaim and commercial value. But one competition, TLC’s Work of Art: The Next Great Artist, seeks to make sure at least one contemporary artist gets some well-deserved recognition right now.
The winner of this reality TV show competition will get a solo show at the renowned Brooklyn Museum, along with a cash prize of US$100,000. Fourteen artists from a variety of different backgrounds, utilizing many different artistic media, will vie to impress the show’s judges and advance to the next round as the weeks go on.
The first of ten challenges that the artist must complete is to make a portrait of one of their fellow competitors. They will have just 13 hours to capture the true essence of their subject. The following night, their works of art will be put on display in a gallery, and critiqued by the show’s panel of expert judges. They will decide who wins this round, and is safe from elimination for the next competition, and who is sent home. With that in mind, the 14 aspiring artists set to work, the looming deadline growing heavier with each passing minute. The seven pairs of artists have only a limited amount of time to get to know each other and decide how to try and portray their subject.
poverty [ˋpɑvɚtɪ] n. 贫穷,贫困
contemporary [kənˋtɛmpə͵rɛrɪ] adj. 当代的; 同时代的
well-deserved [ˋwɛldɪˋzɝvd] adj. 当之无愧的,罪有应得的 fully merited;describes something that you earn or are given because of your behavior or qualities
renowned [rɪˋnaʊnd] adj. 有名的;有声誉的
along with 除某事物以外 together with someone or something
utilize [ˋjut!͵aɪz] v.【正式】利用﹐使用
essence [ˋɛsns] n. 本质,实质;要素
panel [ˋpæn!] n. 评判小组
aspiring [əˋspaɪrɪŋ] adj. 有抱负的 ambitious;desiring or striving for recognition or advancement
portray [porˋtre] v. 描绘; 描写; 描述
More Information
of all time 有史以来 at any time
obscurity [əbˋskjʊrətɪ] n. 无名; 默默无闻
critical acclaim [əˋklem] 评论界的称赞
media [`midɪə] n. 传播媒介〈如报纸﹑电视等〉
vie [vaɪ] v. 争;竞争
portrait [ˋportret] n. 肖像,画像 a painting, drawing, sculpture, photograph, or other likeness of an individual, esp of the face
display [dɪˋsple] n. 展览,陈列
critique [krɪˋtik] v. 评论〔文艺作品等〕to review or discuss critically
looming [ˋlumɪŋ] adj. 逼近的;迫在眉睫的 giving signs of immediate occurrence
Right off the bat, there are some personality clashes, as Judith, the eldest of the group by far at 61 years of age, offends her partner, Jaclyn, with her straightforward nature. Nao, a confident visual and performance artist, also ruffles a few feathers with her open criticism of others’ work.
Each artist takes a different approach to his or her piece. Erik, a relatively new artist who, prior to the competition, has never even shown anyone his art before, tries to exhibit the wackiness of his subject, Mark, by painting him as a clown, and putting the portrait on a palette that will be displayed on an easel. Amanda, an abstract oil painter, choose to portray Jamie Lynn abstractly using colors that she feels best represent her nature, and not doing a portrait at all. Meanwhile, Miles resurrects a morbid art form from the 19th century – the death portrait – in his portrayal of no-nonsense Nao.
All the artists take some risks in their own way, and in the end, it is Miles who comes away with the win. The judges love how he captures Nao’s beauty in such a dark manner. Unfortunately for Amanda, the judges don’t get her abstract representation of Jamie Lynn, saying that it looks less like a portrait than a landscape. Amanda is the first to go, but there are still nine more competitors to come in this exciting season of Work of Art: The Next Great Artist.
-by Joe Henley
clash [klæʃ] n. 冲突
offend [əˋfɛnd] v. 冒犯;触怒
straightforward [͵stretˋfɔrwɚd] adj. 老实的;坦率的
confident [ˋkɑnfədənt] adj. 有信心的
criticism [ˋkrɪtə͵sɪzəm] n. 批评;评论
relatively [ˋrɛlətɪvlɪ] adv. 相对地; 相当
prior to 在...之前 before
abstract [ˋæbstrækt] adj. 抽象的
come away 离开〔某地〕leave in a certain condition
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right off the bat 立刻, 立即, 马上 immediately; first thing
bat [bæt] n.【口】(棒等的)一击,猛击
by far 显然 without a doubt
ruffle a few feathers 得罪; 惹怒他人 If you ruffle a few feathers, you annoy some people when making changes or improvements.
ruffle [ˋrʌf!] v.(鸟受惊等时)竖起(羽毛)
wackiness [ˋwækɪnɪs] n. 古怪
clown [klaʊn] n. 小丑,丑角
palette [ˋpælɪt] n. 调色板
easel [ˋiz!] n. 画架;黑板架
resurrect [͵rɛzəˋrɛkt] v. 使复活;使复苏
morbid [ˋmɔrbɪd] adj. 病态的 suggesting an unhealthy mental state
portrayal [porˋtreəl] n. 肖像;人像; 描绘;描写
no-nonsense [noˋnɑnsɛns] adj. 正经的;严肃的 sensible, practical, straightforward; without nonsense of any kind
Reading Questions
1. What is true of most artists, according to the article?
(A) They all go on to fame and fortune.
(B) They live very comfortable lifestyles.
(C) Their lives are to be envied by the rest of us.
(D) Their talent is not recognized while they are living.
2. Which of the following statements about the first challenge is NOT true?
(A) The winner will get their own show at a museum.
(B) The artists’ work will be viewed by several experts.
(C) Each competitor will paint one of their fellow contest participants.
(D) No one will be eliminated from the competition in this round.
3. What is likely true of Judith?
(A) She hides her true thoughts.
(B) She is a very direct woman.
(C) She keeps her ideas to herself.
(D) She doesn’t say much.
4. What do we know about the artists?
(A) They all share in Miles’s victory.
(B) They all get along very well.
(C) They have their own unique style.
(D) They try to copy each others’ work.
Work Of Art E1P1
1. ( D ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( B ) |
4. ( C ) |