The Church Built on Collaboration 高地的鬼斧神工──巴塞罗那圣家堂
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年8月18日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月21日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:314
In the center of Barcelona, the eight finished spires of La Sagrada Familia reach from the city skyline up toward the heavens. This Gothic church, though still incomplete, is a most intriguing piece of architecture, ___1___ with religious symbolism. Heavily ornate outside and in, it’s as if not a single inch of church wall is left uncarved or unadorned.
1. |
(A) comparing |
(B) bursting |
(C) applied |
(D) equipped |
This is ___2___ ordinary Roman Catholic church. Construction began on La Sagrada Familia in 1882, and the project was – and still is –___3___ by public donations. In 1883, the esteemed Antoni Gaudi stepped in. He made comprehensive changes to the plans, and from this point on, the church would have Gaudi’s name all over it. Passionately, he threw himself into this grand design, even living in an on-site studio. Gaudi’s ___4___ was ambitious and magnificent, and work continues to this day to complete La Sagrada Familia ___5___ he originally imagined it.
2. |
(A) such |
(B) no |
(C) one |
(D) but |
3. |
(A) inspired |
(B) originated |
(C) benefited |
(D) funded |
4. |
(A) vocation |
(B) conclusion |
(C) vision |
(D) competition |
5. |
(A) as |
(B) that |
(C) which |
(D) so that |
The church’s design represents the life of Jesus Christ. On completion, it will ___6___ 18 spires, which will represent the twelve Apostles, the four Evangelists, the Virgin Mary, and Jesus. It has three facades. The Nativity Façade represents the birth of Jesus. The Passion Façade depicts the crucifixion and the suffering of Jesus. The Glory Façade represents the road to God and heavenly glory.
6. |
(A) accumulate |
(B) install |
(C) replace |
(D) boast
The majestic and intricate design has been ___7___ for more than a century. It is hoped it will be finished by 2026, the hundred-year anniversary of Gaudi’s death. But, let’s not forget that throughout these many decades, the construction of the church has been a collaboration of generations – sculptures and architects, craftspeople and artists, laborers and builders, and, of course, the people of Barcelona.
7. |
(A) in action |
(B) in demand |
(C) under construction |
(D) under attack |
-by Alice Davis
spire [spaɪr] n.尖塔;尖頂
La Sagrada Familia 圣家堂
intriguing [ɪn`trigɪŋ] a.〔由於奇特﹑神祕或出人意料而〕引起好奇心的; 令人感興趣的
bursting [ˋbɝstɪŋ] adj. 充滿的;擠滿的
symbolism [ˋsɪmb!͵ɪzəm] n. 象徵作用;象徵性
ornate [ɔrˋnet] adj. 裝飾華麗的;過分修飾的
unadorned [͵ʌnəˋdɔrnd] adj. 未經裝飾的;原來的;樸素的
esteemed [əˋstimd] adj. 受人尊敬的
comprehensive [͵kɑmprɪˋhɛnsɪv] adj. 廣泛的;無所不包的;綜合的
passionately [ˋpæʃənɪtlɪ] adv. 熱情地;激昂地
on-site 现场的 taking place or located at the site
Apostle [əˋpɑs!] n.(A-)(基督教的)使徒;十二個門徒之一;傳道先驅者
evangelist [ɪˋvændʒəlɪst] n. 福音傳播者
Virgin Mary 聖母瑪利亞(耶穌基督之母)
facade [fəˋsɑd] n.(建築物的)正面;前面
Nativity [nəˋtɪvətɪ] n.(大寫)耶穌的誕生;耶穌誕生圖[the S]
crucifixion [͵krusəˋfɪkʃən] n. 釘死於十字架
collaboration [kə͵læbəˋreʃən] n.〔尤指在科學﹑藝術等方面的〕合作﹐協作
craftspeople [ˋkræftspip!] n. 工匠;手藝人
step in 插手干預;介入 Informal to intervene or involve oneself, esp dramatically or at a senior level
as prep. in a manner similar to; the same as
1. |
(A) comparing |
(B) bursting |
(C) applied |
(D) equipped |
2. |
(A) such |
(B) no |
(C) one |
(D) but |
3. |
(A) inspired |
(B) originated |
(C) benefited |
(D) funded |
4. |
(A) vocation |
(B) conclusion |
(C) vision |
(D) competition |
5. |
(A) as |
(B) that |
(C) which |
(D) so that |
6. |
(A) accumulate |
(B) install |
(C) replace |
(D) boast |
7. |
(A) in action |
(B) in demand |
(C) under construction |
(D) under attack |
Passion Façade of La Sagrada Familia
The Glory Façade of La Sagrada Familia
1. ( B ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( C ) |
5. ( A ) |
6. ( D ) |
7. ( C ) |